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Ethics general questions Write approximately 100-150 words for each question. Highlight (bold or underline) any important...

Ethics general questions

Write approximately 100-150 words for each question. Highlight (bold or underline) any important key words.

  1. Chosen a profession in the Financial Services industry and identify 2 ethical dilemma that you may likely to encounter in the profession .


Dilemma #1:

Dilemma #2:

  1. With reference to the above identified ethical dilemma, what actions would you take to resolve the issue? .

Action #1:      

Action #2:      

  1. Provide a reflection on how the ethical dilemma could have been avoided or minimised? The reflection should discuss actions/steps that could be in addition to the part (b) above .

Reflection #1:

Reflection #2:

  1. Make a recommendation on ‘How ethics can be instilled into the daily operations of the industry?’ Discuss the pros and cons of the recommendation .





Expert Solution

Ethical Dilemma - Ethical Dilemma is a situation where you need to make a choice from one or more options related to ethical and moral values and code of conduct.

Dilemma 1- Unethical Work enviorment or Work Place.

Dilemma 2- Harrassment and Discrimination.

Action 1- Identify the issue you are facing and plan the action accordingly and go for alternative approach to which you can control the situation.

Action 2- Providing trainings and bringing more awareness on ethical issues in the organization can help educate people to achieve good and heathy work enviorment.

Reflection 1- Providing ethical stardards and guide book to the emplyees and reward them if they follow.This will help to minimize ethical issues in big way.

Reflection 2- Regular emails from HR explaining the ethical standards to be followed and actions to be taken in case of any breach of code of ethics.

Recommendation: Creating ethical enviorment in work place , focussing more on awarness traning on ethics for the employees regularly, Organizing ethical events in organization and also rewarding them for taking part on the events and spreading code of ethics with others.

  Pros: Better work place, elimination of ethical issues and it also helps in acheiving goals of organization.

Cons: Difficult to maintain , lack of support from everyone, Cost incurred to bring awareness programe.

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