In: Nursing
Designer baby is a baby whose genetic makeup is selected or altered.ususally to include a particular gene or to remove genes assosciated with diseases.This usually involves a process known as preimplantation genetic diagnosis (PGD). Other methods involve directly editing the genome before birth.
PGD is a procedure in which embryos are screened prior to implantation.The process of PGD includes; the embryos are are obtained from IVF in which the oocyte is artifiically fertilised by sperm.Oocyte from the woman are harvested followingcontorlled ovarialn hyperstimulation (COH) which involves fertility treatments to induce production of multiple oocytes. Then they are ferilised in vitro and sperm is directlty injected into the oocyte.. The resulting embryo are cultured 3-6 days allowing them to reach blastocyst stage. Themn embryo biopsy takes place and celll screening occurs and finally to transfer of the desired embryo.