
In: Statistics and Probability

A purchasing manager for a large university is investigating which brand of LCD projector to purchase...

A purchasing manager for a large university is investigating which brand of LCD projector to purchase to equip "smart" classrooms. Of major concern is the longevity of the light bulbs used in the projectors. The purchasing manager has narrowed down the choice of projector to two brands, Infocus and Proxima, and wishes to determine if there is any difference between the two brands in the mean lifetime of the bulbs used.

The purchasing manager obtained thirteen projectors of each brand for testing over the last several academic terms. The number of hours the bulbs lasted on each of the thirteen machines is given in the table.

Lifetimes of light bulbs (hours)

724, 818, 1000, 709, 965, 696, 863, 934, 725, 974, 786, 893, 1026


857, 756, 813, 1020, 802, 952, 888, 575, 994, 707, 730, 1100, 1087

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Assume that the two populations of lifetimes are normally distributed and that the population variances are equal. Can we conclude, at the


level of significance, that there is a difference in the mean lifetime of the light bulbs in the two brands?

Perform a two-tailed test. Then fill in the table below.

Carry your intermediate computations to at least three decimal places and round your answers as specified in the table. (If necessary, consult a list of formulas.)

The null hypothesis:


The alternative hypothesis:


The type of test statistic: (Choose one)ZtChi squareF (PLEASE GIVE DEGREE OF FREEDOM
The value of the test statistic:
(Round to at least three decimal places.)
The p-value:
(Round to at least three decimal places.)
Can we conclude that there is a difference in the mean lifetimes of the light bulbs in the two brands? Yes No


Expert Solution

we have to test, At 0.1 level of significance, that there is a difference in the mean lifetime of the light bulbs in the two brands.

Here we use two sample t test assuming equal variances.


Ho: There is a no difference in the mean lifetime of the light bulbs in the two brands.



Ha: There is a difference in the mean lifetime of the light bulbs in the two brands.


(type of test statistic is two sample t test assuming equal variances)

Under Ho,


= sample mean for infocus and  = sample mean for proxima

Using Excel Data Analysis toolpack we solve this problem,

Infocus proxima
724 857
818 756
1000 813
709 1020
965 802
696 952
863 888
934 575
725 994
974 707
786 730
893 1100
1026 1087

Excel => Data => Data Analysis => t-Test: Two-Sample Assuming Equal Variances => select input variables => Lables => alpha = 0.1 => output range => ok

t-Test: Two-Sample Assuming Equal Variances
Infocus proxima
Mean 854.8462 867.7692
Variance 14255.3077 24923.3590
Observations 13 13
Pooled Variance 19589.3333
Hypothesized Mean Difference 0
df 24
t Stat -0.23540
P(T<=t) one-tail 0.40795
t Critical one-tail 1.31784
P(T<=t) two-tail 0.81589
t Critical two-tail 1.71088

Df for this test are,

n1+n2-2 = 13 + 13 - 2 = 24

Test statistic,

t = - 0.235

P-value is,

P-value = 0.816

Here p-value = 0.816 > alpha = 0.1 then we fail to reject Ho.

Can we conclude that there is a difference in the mean lifetimes of the light bulbs in the two brands? NO

I.e. we conclude that there is a no difference in the mean lifetimes of the light bulbs in the two brands.

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