
In: Nursing

Summarize RA 5527 according to Article/section numbers and its corresponding content of each of the Sections.

Summarize RA 5527 according to Article/section numbers and its corresponding content of each of the Sections.


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RA 5527


It is also known as Medical Technology act were enacted in 1969.The law has become obolete and no longer responds to the current trends in the medical technology education.This bill seeks to create an Broard of Medical Technology under the Proffesional Regulation Commission(PRC).The said board will be haeded by the qualified medical technologist.A techniacl panel in Medical Technology Education under the Commision in Higher Education shall also be created.Further,this bill seeks to introduce Continuing Medical Technology Education anf Certification of Phlebotomists.

SECTION 1. Title-This act shall be known as the "Medical Technology Act of 2011."

SECTION 2. Declaration of policy - The state recognizes importance of the Mediacal Technology proffession in nation building and development through the portals of health care, education and research,

SECTION 3-Definision of terms. -

Accredited Medical Technology Traning Laboratory

It refers to a clinical laboratory duly lisensed by the Departement of Health Education and accredited as a traning laboratory by the commision on higher education upon recommendation by the Technical Panel in Medical Technology Education or its equivalent.

Accredited Proffessional Organization

It refers to a national organization'recognized and accredited by the Board,as approved by the Proffessional Regulation Commission,under which all recognized medical technologists whose names appear in the roster of Medical Technologits of the Proffessional Regulation Commission automatically become members.Continuing

Medical Technology Education( CMTE)

It refers to the enhancement of the knowledge,proffessional competence and ethical valuesin the practice of medical technology through mandatory formal classes or traning programs administered for medical technologies.

Code of Proffessional Ethics

Refers to a set of standards relating to the conduct,integrity and moral duties of medical technologists are prescribed and promulated by the duly accredited professional organization of mediacl technologists,with approval of the Board.

Hearing Committee

It refers to a body composed of two members of the board and one legal officer.

Medical Technology(Medical Laboratory Science)

Refers to the healthcare profession that performs laboratory investigations of human body or on specimens tsken from the human body, results of which provide information used by physicians or other medical practitioners in the relation to healthcare,research,forensics and other related areas.

Medical Technologists

It refers to a holder of a Bachelor of Science Degree in Medical technology or Public Health who is duly registered with the Professional Regulation commission and is qualified to Practice Medical Technology.

Medical Laboratory Technician

Refers to a person certified and registered with the Board as qualified to assist amedical technologist in the practice of Medical Technology as defined under Republic Act No.5527.


Refers to a holder of a Bachelor of Science Degree in Medical Technology and has passed an examination for Phlebotomy.

Recognized School of Medical Technology

It refers to any school,college or university which refers a program in Medical Technology approved by the Commission on higher Education upon the medical recommendations of the Technical Panel medical Technology or its equivalent.

SECTION 4 - Board of Medical Technology

This Board of medical Technology under the Professional Regulation commission. The board shall be composed of a Chairman and two members ,all of whom are registered medical technologists.The chairnan and members of the Board shall be appointed by the president of the Republic of the Philippines(President)upon the reccommendation of the philippine Regulation Commission.

SECTION 5 - Qualifications of the Chairman and the Members of the Board

No person shall be appointedas a chairman or as a member of thee board unlesshe is a Filipino

SECTION 6 -  Compensation of the members of the Board

The chairman and each member of the Board shall recieve the compensastion in such amount as the Professioanal Regulation Commission may determine.

SECTION 7 - Functions and duties of the board

  • Administer and impliment the provisions of the Act
  • Determine and prepair the questions for licensure examination
  • Regulate and practice the profession
  • Administer oaths in connection with the administration of act
  • Issue,suspend or revoke the certificates of registration of the medical laboratory technicians
  • Investigate the violations of rules and regulations issued.
  • Draft the rules and regulations
  • Prescribe the qualifications anf traning of the medical technologists.

SECTION 8 - Removal of the Board members

SECTION 9 - Licensure Examinations

SECTION 10 - Qualifications for admission to the examination

  • good health and of good moral character
  • Is a holder of Bachelor Degree in Medical technology

SECTION 11 - Scope of examination

The examination covers the following subjects

  1. Clinical Chemistry:20%
  2. Microbiology and Parasitology 20%
  3. Hematology 20%
  4. Blood banking 20%
  5. Clinical Microscopy 10%
  6. Histopathologic and Cystologic Technology 10%

SECTION 12 - Report and Rating

SECTION 13 - Rating in the Examination

SECTION 14 - Oath Taking

SECTION 15 - Issurance of the certificate of registration

SECTION 16 - Fees

SECTION 17 - Revocation or Suspension of Certificate of Registartion

SECTION 18 - Appeal

SECTION 19 - Reinssuance or Reinstatement of a revoked or suspended certificate of registration

SECTION 20 - Roster of Medical Technologist

SECTION 21 - Medical Technology Education

SECTION 22 - Creation and Composition of Technical Panel in Medical technology Education

SECTION 23 - Function of TPMTE

SECTION 24 - Accrediation of School of Medical Technology and Traning Laboratories

SECTION 25 - Studies for Medical Technology Manpower needs,Production,Utilization and Developments

SECTION 26 - Accredited Professioanal Organization

SECTION 27 - Countinuing Medical Technology Education

SECTION 28 - Medical Technology Traning and Educational Program

SECTION 29 - Salary

SECTION 30 - Foregin Reciprocity

SECTION 31 - Inhibition Against the Practice of Medical Technology

SECTION 32 - Penal Provisions

Without prejudice to the provisions of the Medical Act of 1959, as amended, relating to the illegal practice of medicine shall be punished by a fine of not less than two thousand pesos(P2,000.00)nor more than five thousand pesos(P5,000.00), or imprisonment for not less than six (6) months nor more than two(2) years, or both, in the discretion of the court.

SECTION 33 - Enforcementof this act

SECTION 34 - Appropriations

SECTION 35 - Rules and Regulations

SECTION 36 - Separability Clause

Should any provision herein be declaired unconstitutional, the same shall not affect the validity of the other provisions of this Act.

SECTION 37 - Repealing Clause

Republic Act Nos.5572 and 6132, presidential Degree Nos498 and 1534 and all other laws,presidential degrees,executive orders,rules and regulations inconsistents with the provisions of this act ares hereby repealed,amended or modified accordingly.

SECTION 38 - Effectivity

THis act takes effect 15 days after its publication in at least two newspapers of general circulation.

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