In: Nursing
Warning signs of heart
Heart attack symptoms in men and women-Difference
Chest pain is the most common symptom in heart attack in men,which is throbbing type.
Men are most likely to report physical exertion before the onset of heart attack.
Otherspecific symptoms of heart in attck in men are:
Women may experience less obvious warning signs during the episode of heart attack.They are most likely to report emotional stress before a heart attack.
Other symptoms are:
Medical procedures for Heart attack:
It is also called as fibrinolytic theraphy.
These are the drugs used to lyse clot to recanalize occluded vessels(mainly coronary arteries)They act by activating natural fibrinolytic system.
First generation thrombolytic:
Second generation thrombolytics:
Ex:Pro Urokinase,Alteplase,Reteplase,Tenecteplase
Thrombolytic Theraphy needs to be initiated as soon as possible,before the permanent dàmages to heart has occured.
Angioplasty is a procedure that helps to improve blood flow to the heart.
Angioplasty is a procedure in which a small tiny balloon catheter that is inserted into a blocked blood vessel to widen it and to improve the blood flow to heart.
It is often combined with the placement of a small wire tube called a stent.This stent helps to prop the artery open,decreasing it's chance narrowing again.
Angioplasty is often used during a heart attck to quickly open a blocked artery and reduce the amount of damage to heart.