
In: Civil Engineering

I explain the following in detail, with a clear line, and a clear, close and tidy...

I explain the following in detail, with a clear line, and a clear, close and tidy illustration: executive management For engineering projects (Project Management), Parties Engineering project, pillars, engineering project, pillars Engineering project, engineering project phases, engineering project management, functions and tasks, project manager, project resource management, project planning, estimation Project cost, project time control, project financial management


Expert Solution

Executive management for engineering projects:

The highest level of an organization to monitor and coordinating the tasks and management of day to day tasks

Parties engineering projects :

The main parties in construction are

Employee: who is working for the project and

Contractor : who is engaged by the employer

Financier: who is investigating the money for project

Pillars: Resources, process, people are the pillars of project

Engineering project: It is a temporary effort undertaken to achieve a clear goal or objective within specific constraints of time and resources

Engineering project phases:

1. Planning : It involves defining of objectives, listing of jobs to be performed and determining gross resource requirement.

2. Scheduling : It involves allocation of resources to various tasks, placing the tasks logically and sequentially and identifying the scheduled completion time of the project.

Monitoring and controlling: It is execution of planning and scheduling.If the project deviates from it's proposed plan and schedule, it is also deals with replanning and rescheduling which is also called as updating.

Engineering project management: It is an art of attaining the project objective by utilising human , material and financial resources within specific time period

Functions and tasks of project management:

Project appraisal , project development , construction planning, tendering , construction , commissioning and handling over . Coordinating the various activities and handling tasks and monitoring the activities and controlling

Project resources management : project resources are materials and equipment . Quality materials should use , location of material availability ,transportation of materials and storage of materials properly maintain.

Equipment provide in time to the project, proper checkup should be taken. Buy or rent the equipment depends on work time and cost .

Project planning : jobs to be performed and determining the project resources requirement , time and cost , materials and labor

Estimation : pre defined cost for the project.

Project Time control: project should be completed in minimum time by increasing the labor and cost we can control the time .

project financial Management: planning , budgeting, accounting, financial reporting, internal control, auditing and procurement of project tasks

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