In: Computer Science
- Make a 2-D array to represent a Tic-Tac-Toe game/grid. Place a couple of 'X's and 'O's in the grid and display it. Do some extra printing to make it look like a Tic-Tac-Toe board
we are suppose to use rows and columns so just make it simple thanks!
I used basic code you will be understand easily I don't make any thing complicated so if you like liked the answer so play a tic tock game and please please upvote Mei for the efforts I made to answer this. If any query question me in comment box
#include <iostream>
#include <stdlib.h>
using namespace std;
void printBoard();
void playerInput();
void machineInput();
void refreshPage();
void resetGame();
int checkWinner();
int board[9] = { 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0 };
int player = 1;
int main() {
cout << "Tic Tac Toe\n\nTutorial:\n1.Type in the corresponding number given in the key map. \n2.If you lose, you will be first in the second round, otherwise, you will be second.\n";
cout << "\nPress any key to play again...\n";
char c;
cin >> c;
if (checkWinner() == 10) {
cout << endl;
cout << "***********************************\n";
cout << "* Game over! It is a tie! *\n";
cout << "***********************************\n";
cout << "\nPress any key to play again...\n";
char c;
cin >> c;
player = 1;
goto start;
if (checkWinner() == player) {
cout << endl;
cout << "***********************************\n";
cout << "* Game over! The winner is YOU! *\n";
cout << "***********************************\n";
cout << "\nPress any key to play again...\n";
char c;
cin >> c;
player = 2;
goto secround;
else if ((checkWinner() != 0) && (checkWinner() != player)) {
cout << endl;
cout << "***********************************\n";
cout << "* Game over! The winner is ME! *\n";
cout << "***********************************\n";
cout << "\nPress any key to play again...\n";
char c;
cin >> c;
player = 1;
goto start;
if (checkWinner() == 10) {
cout << endl;
cout << "***********************************\n";
cout << "* Game over! It is a tie! *\n";
cout << "***********************************\n";
cout << "\nPress any key to play again...\n";
char c;
cin >> c;
player = 1;
goto start;
if (checkWinner() == player) {
cout << endl;
cout << "***********************************\n";
cout << "* Game over! The winner is YOU! *\n";
cout << "***********************************\n";
cout << "\nPress any key to play again...\n";
char c;
cin >> c;
player = 2;
goto secround;
else if ((checkWinner() != 0) && (checkWinner() != player)) {
cout << endl;
cout << "***********************************\n";
cout << "* Game over! The winner is ME! *\n";
cout << "***********************************\n";
cout << "\nPress any key to play again...\n";
char c;
cin >> c;
player = 1;
goto start;
goto start;
return 0;
void resetGame() {
for (int i = 0; i < 9; i++) {
board[i] = 0;
void refreshPage() {
for (int i = 0; i < 100; i++) {
cout << "\n";
int checkWinner() {
if ((board[0] != 0) && (board[1] != 0) && (board[2] != 0) && (board[3] != 0) && (board[4] != 0) && (board[5] != 0) && (board[6] != 0) && (board[7] != 0) && (board[8] != 0)) {
return 10;
if ((board[0] == board[1]) && (board[1] == board[2]) && (board[0] != 0)) {
return board[0];
if ((board[3] == board[4]) && (board[4] == board[5]) && (board[3] != 0)) {
return board[3];
if ((board[6] == board[7]) && (board[7] == board[8]) && (board[6] != 0)) {
return board[6];
if ((board[0] == board[3]) && (board[3] == board[6]) && (board[0] != 0)) {
return board[0];
if ((board[1] == board[4]) && (board[4] == board[7]) && (board[1] != 0)) {
return board[1];
if ((board[2] == board[5]) && (board[5] == board[8]) && (board[2] != 0)) {
return board[2];
if ((board[0] == board[4]) && (board[4] == board[8]) && (board[0] != 0)) {
return board[0];
if ((board[2] == board[4]) && (board[4] == board[6]) && (board[2] != 0)) {
return board[2];
return 0;
void machineInput() {
int input = 9;
cout << "My turn. Thinking...\n";
if ((board[0] == board[1]) && (board[0] == player) && (board[2] == 0)) {
input = 2;
if ((board[1] == board[2]) && (board[1] == player) && (board[0] == 0)) {
input = 0;
if ((board[0] == board[2]) && (board[0] == player) && (board[1] == 0)) {
input = 1;
if ((board[3] == board[4]) && (board[3] == player) && (board[5] == 0)) {
input = 5;
if ((board[4] == board[5]) && (board[4] == player) && (board[3] == 0)) {
input = 3;
if ((board[3] == board[5]) && (board[3] == player) && (board[4] == 0)) {
input = 4;
if ((board[6] == board[7]) && (board[6] == player) && (board[8] == 0)) {
input = 8;
if ((board[7] == board[8]) && (board[7] == player) && (board[6] == 0)) {
input = 6;
if ((board[6] == board[8]) && (board[6] == player) && (board[7] == 0)) {
input = 7;
if ((board[0] == board[3]) && (board[0] == player) && (board[6] == 0)) {
input = 6;
if ((board[3] == board[6]) && (board[3] == player) && (board[0] == 0)) {
input = 0;
if ((board[0] == board[6]) && (board[0] == player) && (board[3] == 0)) {
input = 3;
if ((board[1] == board[4]) && (board[1] == player) && (board[7] == 0)) {
input = 7;
if ((board[4] == board[7]) && (board[4] == player) && (board[1] == 0)) {
input = 1;
if ((board[1] == board[7]) && (board[1] == player) && (board[4] == 0)) {
input = 4;
if ((board[2] == board[5]) && (board[2] == player) && (board[8] == 0)) {
input = 8;
if ((board[5] == board[8]) && (board[5] == player) && (board[2] == 0)) {
input = 2;
if ((board[2] == board[8]) && (board[2] == player) && (board[5] == 0)) {
input = 5;
if ((board[0] == board[4]) && (board[0] == player) && (board[8] == 0)) {
input = 8;
if ((board[4] == board[8]) && (board[4] == player) && (board[0] == 0)) {
input = 0;
if ((board[0] == board[8]) && (board[0] == player) && (board[4] == 0)) {
input = 4;
if ((board[2] == board[4]) && (board[2] == player) && (board[6] == 0)) {
input = 6;
if ((board[4] == board[6]) && (board[4] == player) && (board[2] == 0)) {
input = 2;
if ((board[2] == board[6]) && (board[2] == player) && (board[4] == 0)) {
input = 4;
if (input == 9) {
cout << "No solution, randomly filling in...\n";
int i;
while (input != 9) {
i = rand() % 9;
if (board[i] == 0) {
input = i;
if (player == 1) {
board[input] = 2;
else {
board[input] = 1;
cout << "Placed on address " << input << "\n";
void playerInput() {
int input;
input = 0;
cout << "Your turn. Enter a number.\n";
cin >> input;
if (input > 9) {
cout << "The number you entered is too big.\n";
goto ask;
else if (input < 1) {
cout << "The number you entered is too small.\n";
goto ask;
else if (board[input - 1] != 0) {
cout << "The number you entered has already filled in.\n";
goto ask;
else {
board[input - 1] = player;
void printBoard() {
char displayBoard[9] = { ' ', ' ', ' ', ' ', ' ', ' ', ' ', ' ', ' ' };
for (int i = 0; i < 9; i++) {
switch (board[i]) {
case 0:
displayBoard[i] = ' ';
case 1:
displayBoard[i] = 'O';
case 2:
displayBoard[i] = 'X';
cout << "Game Board Key Map\n";
cout << "************* *************\n";
cout << "* " << displayBoard[0] << " * " << displayBoard[1] << " * " << displayBoard[2] << " * * 1 * 2 * 3 *\n";
cout << "************* *************\n";
cout << "* " << displayBoard[3] << " * " << displayBoard[4] << " * " << displayBoard[5] << " * * 4 * 5 * 6 *\n";
cout << "************* *************\n";
cout << "* " << displayBoard[6] << " * " << displayBoard[7] << " * " << displayBoard[8] << " * * 7 * 8 * 9 *\n";
cout << "************* *************\n";