In: Nursing
52 years old female who has difficulty sleeping and missing her work, she sleeps during day time and not night time.
I think she has insomnia and possible menopause because of her age.
Insomnia: A sleeping disorder that is known for its symptoms of unrest and the inbility to sleep . It is characterised by the difficulty in initiation and maintanance of sleep.
Menopause: The ending of Menstruation due to natural decline in reproductive hormones ,by the time when a woman reaches her 40sor 50s.
Treatment plan
* Insomnia :
- Insomnia associated with Menopause can be treated by Hormone replacement therapy.
- Sedative Hypnotics :
Benzodiazepines: triazolam, emazepam (sleeping pills that should be used as per physician's order )
- Suvorexant
- Zaleplon
- Antidepressants :
Trazodone ( Desydrel) can be used to treat anxiety and sleeplessness
* Menopause:
Hormone replacement therapy: Effective treatment for menopausal symptoms , such as hot flush, night sweat, aches and pains , insomnia, mood disturbances, cognitive changes, reduced sex drive etc) in the initial years of Menopause , but not suitable for long term use. HRT involves the use of combined treatment with oestrogen and progesterone.
Complementary and Over The Counter therapy:
Complementary therapies such as:
* Relaxation techniques such as deep breathing exercises, meditation etc can improve the wellbeing of the woman with menopausal problems and insomnia.
* Soy products such as Soy beans and tofu may improve insomnia and other symptoms associated with Insomnia. It contains phytoestrogen, can effective in menopausal symptoms.
* Use of a Perennial plant Black Cohosh may be effective in managing the night sweats and hit flashes.
* Dietary supplements should take only as per Doctor's order
* Cognitive behavioural therapy for insomnia
OTC: Menopause supplements , progesterone cream , Antihistamines for sleep improvement.
Water based vaginal creams to prevent dryness.
Diagnostic tests:
* DSM ( Diagnostic and Statistical manual of Mental disorders) IV criteria for insomnia.
* Blood test for FSH ( follicle stimulating hormone) and oestrogen . FSH shows an increase and estrogen shows a decrease in menopausal women.
* Blood test for Thyroid problems: underactive thyroid may mimic menopausal symptoms.
Health education : life style changes, preventive care and follow up:
* Instruct the woman the tips for improving the sleep:
- Avoid caffeine and alcohol
- Regular exercise is a good strategy, but avoid it before the bed time.
- Ensure a calm and quite environment.
- Manage hot falshes.
* Manage hot flashes, prevent the occurance by
- Avoid the triggers such as hot beverages, spicy food, caffeine, stress, hot weather, warm room etc.
- Dress in layers and be in a cooler place
- Have a cold glass of water.
* Educate the woman regarding the different relaxation techniques such as guided imagery, progressive muscle relaxation, deep breathing exercises etc.
* Life style changes: Healthy lifestyle and behavioural changes such as heart health diet or balanced diet, regular exercise, adequate rest and sleep , avoid smoking and alcoholism etc can help to reduce the symptoms of Menopause.
* Educate the woman on Kegel exercises to strengthen the pelvic floor muscles.
* Instruct the ways to prevent vaginal discomfort and the care ful use of OTC vaginal creams . Choose that products that don't contain glycerine or it may cause irritation.
* Follow up : Instruct the woman to come for regular follow up and not to continue any Hormonal supplements for a long time without Doctor's prescription. Educate the importance of medication adherence.