
In: Nursing

I need response fir my Question asao? 1. Since every medical term should have a suffix,...

I need response fir my Question asao?

1. Since every medical term should have a suffix, knowing the meaning of a suffix is a crucial part to understanding the meaning of a medical term. Choose three medical terms with different suffixes and explain their meanings.

2. The suffix -cyte means cell or blood cell. Write all the terms that have the suffix -cyte including the different types of blood cells. Explain what the terms mean and refer to the functions and different characteristics of all blood cells (Make sure you also explain the 5 types of White blood cells).

3. Prefixes add description to medical terms. They can indicate location, time, and amount. Provide three medical terms with prefixes that describe location, time and amount in a medical term. Divide them, label them and give their meaning.

4. Some suffixes and prefixes are opposites. Provide one set of suffixes or prefixes that are opposites.


Expert Solution

Suffix: one or more letters or sounds that added at the end of a word to modify the word's meaning.

Examples of medical terms with suffixes:

i. Tachycardia

Suffix - Cardia ( related to heart)

Tachycardia means increased heart beat, above 100 beats per minute.

ii. Hyperthermia

Suffix- thermia ( related to temperature)

Hyperthermia is a condition of having abnormally high body temperature.

iii. Appendectomy

Suffix- ectomy ( surgical removal or excision)

Appendectomy is the surgical removal of infected Vermiform Appendix in case Appendicitis.  

2. Words with suffix ' cyte'

Blood cells: There are three types blood cells, each have unique functions. Each cell name end with the suffix ' Cyte' means cell.

Erythrocytes :

It is also called as Red blood cells because of the presence of red colouring of Haemoglobin. It is an anucleate cell in the blood and is small, round and biconcave in shape.

Function: transport oxygen from lungs to the tissues.  

Leukocytes :

It is also called as White blood cells . It is a type of blood cell that is involved with an immune response or part of immune system. WBCs can be categorized into two: Agranulocytes and granulocytes.

Agranulocytes : A kind of White blood cell charecterised by the absence of granules in its cytoplasm. Agranulocytes are

Lymphocytes and Monocytes : They have clear cytoplasm . Lymphocytes have larger nuclei and it take part in body's immune activity. Monocytes have large pleomorphic( no definite shape) nuclei and it helps in phagocytosis ( engulfing the bacteria and other antigens), also helps to clean up the debris from injured area. Monocytes are the largest WBC.  

Granulocytes: Any of various white blood cells that have granules in their cytoplasm. The granulocytes are neutrophils, basophils and eosinophils. All types of granulocytes are helping immune system to fight off infection.


They are also called as Platelets. A small colour less disk shaped particle found in the blood, which plays an important role in the formation of blood cots.

Other examples:

Oocyte : ovum , a cell that develop into egg, or ovum , a female gametocyte .

Melanocyte: A cell in the skin that produces pigment melanin.

Osteocyte : A mature bone cell involved with the maintenance of the bone.

3. Prefix: Examples

i) Anuria

Prefix - a, an ( absence)

Anuria is a condicondition in which the kidneys do not produce urine.


Prefix : Endo ( within or inside)

The examination of a bodily orifice , canal or organ using an endoscope.


Prefix- Epi ( above )

Epigastric means above the stomach.

4. Opposite words: Suffix and Prefix

Dehydration: Loss of significant water content from the body . ( prefix- de)

Rehydration : hydrating the bodu again through oral or IV fluids. ( prefix- Re )

Tachycardia- abnormally increased heart beat

Prefix - Tachy ( increased)

Bradycardia- Abnormally decreased heart beat.

Prefix - Brady ( decreased).


Leukocytosis : Abnormal increase in WBC

Leukocytopenia : Abnormal reduction in WBC count

Suffix- osis ( related increase in number) , penia ( related to decrease in number. )

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