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Case Study 4 #Think Before You Post Leadership In a Changing Healthcare Environment Bernard J. Healey...

Case Study 4 #Think Before You Post

Leadership In a Changing Healthcare Environment

Bernard J. Healey

The CEO of healthcare system X. Marcus Williams, is faced with declin­ing revenues, decreases in quality of care, and the departure of several key leaders. He feels the entire workforce has become reluctant to use its individual creativity In the design of innovations that are so neces­sary in the changing environment the organization faces. Williams has taken several leadership courses and done a fair amount of reading about leadership and its role in getting an organization prepared to respond to extreme change. From these readings. Williams has come to believe he must get his entire workforce involved in Innovation to improve the healthcare facilities' finances along with the quality of services delivered to consumers.

Williams starts this process by holding a meeting with two of the system's vice presidents. Gloria Adams and Shawn McGroarty. The pur­pose of the meeting is for the CEO to explain the importance of getting everyone working together to design a creative approach to solving the system's current problems. Williams asks the vice presidents to survey their managers about their interest in participating in focus groups regarding the financial and quality issues and the development of some potential solutions. It seems that every sector of the healthcare industry Is being disrupted by start-up businesses seeking to make a profit from the enormous change occurring in healthcare services delivery. In fact. much of the current research supports the notion that if you are not Innovating, you are likely not going to be a viable busi­ness in the long-term.

One of the most difficult areas of concern for leaders In healthcare today is to get their facilities and employees to understand the need for change In the way they do business. Over the next few years, almost every aspect of the delivery of healthcare services is likely to change. Most individuals fear change and do not understand why healthcare organizations have a need to change. Despite the desire by organizations and employees to resist change, a tremendous amount of evidence suggests that the pace of change in the healthcare envi­ronment is already accelerating rapidly. These changes in healthcare delivery will require empowered and motivated employees capable of delivering superior services on a daily basis.

  1. What are some additional concerns that the CEO should express to his vice presidents at the first meeting regarding the current problems being faced by the healthcare organization?
  2. Would a leadership training program be helpful for all the employees of this healthcare organization to spur them to innovate? What areas of training should be included If such a program were offered to staff?


Expert Solution

Some of the additional concerns which can be expressed to the vice president in the first meeting are

  • The necessity to provide a quality care and set a standard in the healthcare sector
  • To be the healthcare sector with the most recent advancements and its implementation in the organic at the earliest and be the first provider of that services.
  • To improve the revenue status of the organization
  • To provide the most skillful healthcare professionals to handle any type of patients in any circumstances

Leadership training program can be used in order to motivate the staff but instead of teaching or training every individual for leadership category ,the head of the department can be provided that training .They guide the other employees and direct them through individual motivation.This can improve the performance of each staff and make them to be an innovator in their field.

The area of training required for the employees are

  • Training the employees regarding the use of advanced technology
  • Skill training of the staffs
  • Training based on groups or as team

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