In: Computer Science
For this assignment, implement and use the methods for a class called Seller that represents information about a salesperson.
The Seller class
Use the following class definition:
class Seller { public: Seller(); Seller( const char [], const char[], const char [], double ); void print(); void setFirstName( const char [] ); void setLastName( const char [] ); void setID( const char [] ); void setSalesTotal( double ); double getSalesTotal(); private: char firstName[20]; char lastName[30]; char ID[7]; double salesTotal; };
Data Members
The data members for the class are:
firstName holds the Seller's first name
lastName holds the Seller's last name
ID holds the Seller's id number
salesTotal holds the Seller's sales total
This class has two constructors. The default constructor (the one that takes no arguments) should initialize the first and last names to "None", the seller ID to "ZZZ999", and the sales total to 0.
The other constructor for the class should initialize the data members using the passed in arguments. It takes 4 arguments: a character array with a Seller's first name, a character array with a Seller's last name, a character array with a Seller's id number, and a double that holds the Seller's sales total. The data members should be initialized by calling the various set methods.
void print()
This method displays the Seller information. It takes no arguments and returns nothing.
The information should be displayed as follows:
Giant, Andre BIG357 678.53
void setFirstName( const char [] )
This method changes a Seller's first name. It takes one argument: an array of characters that represents the Seller's first name. It returns nothing.
If the length of the passed in argument is greater than 0, it should be used to initialize the firstName data member. Otherwise, the firstName data member should be set to "None".
void setLastName( const char [] )
This method changes a Seller's last name. It takes one argument: an array of characters that represents the Seller's last name. It returns nothing.
If the length of the passed in argument is greater than 0, it should be used to initialize the lastName data member. Otherwise, the lastName data member should be set to "None".
void setID( const char [] )
This method changes a Seller's id number. It takes one argument: an array of characters that represents the Seller's id number. It returns nothing.
If the length of the passed in argument is greater than 0 and less than 7, it should be used to initialize the ID data member. Otherwise, the ID data member should be set to "ZZZ999".
void setSalesTotal( double )
This method changes a Seller's sales total. It takes one argument: a double that represents the Seller's sales total. It returns nothing.
If the passed in argument is greater than or equal to 0, it should be used to initialize the salesTotal data member. Otherwise, the salesTotal data member should be set to 0.
double getSalesTotal()
This method returns a Seller's sales total data member. It takes no arguments.
In main(), create 5 Seller objects. They should contain the values:
The first Seller should have your name, an id of "CSI240", and a sales total of 1234.56. Note: if you're pair programming, set the first name to the first name of both you and your partner: "Jane/John" and the last name to the last name of both you and your partner: "Doe/Doe".
The second Seller should be created using the default constructor (the one that doesn't take any arguments)
The third Seller should have the first name of an empty string (""), a last name of "Robinson", an id of "TOOBIG999", and a sales total of -876.34.
The fourth Seller should have the name "Tarik Cohen", an id of "RUN29", and a sales total of 13579.11
The fifth Seller should have the name "Kyle Long", an id of "TACK75", and a sales total of 24680.24
The rest of main() will include using the various methods on each of the 5 Seller objects. Display a label similar to "The first Seller" before anything is outputted for each of the objects.
For the first Seller, display the Seller information.
For the second Seller, display the Seller information, set the Seller name to "Mitchell Trubisky", set the id number to "QB10", set the sales total to 246.80, and then display the Seller information once again.
For the third Seller, display the Seller's information, set the Seller's first name to "Allen", set the id number to "WIDE12", set the sales total to 9900000.99, and then display the Seller information once again.
For the fourth Seller, display only the Seller's sales total.
For the fifth Seller, display the Seller's information, set the first name to an empty string (""), set the last name to an empty string, set the id number to an empty string, set the sales total to -52.96, and then display the Seller information once again.
Programming Notes
Each method must have a documentation box like a function.
Hand in a copy of the source code using Blackboard.
Note: The information for the first Seller object will have your name.
The First Seller Da Bear, Staley CSI240 1234.56 The Second Seller None, None ZZZ999 0.00 Trubisky, Mitchell QB10 246.80 The Third Seller Robinson, None ZZZ999 0.00 Robinson, Allen WIDE12 9900000.99 The Fourth Seller The sales total is $13579.11 The Fifth Seller Long, Kyle TACK75 24680.24 None, None ZZZ999 0.00
Create a class Seller header file
With name,id and balance as attribute
2constructors, setter and getter used
class Seller
//Member functions
Seller(const char[], const char[], const char[],
//Display function
void print();
void setFirstName(const char[]);
void setLastName(const char[]);
void setID(const char[]);
void setSalesTotal(double);
double getSalesTotal();
//Member variables
char firstName[20];
char lastName[30];
char ID[7];
double salesTotal;
#include "seller.h"
Function: default constructor
ParamIn: None
ParamOut: None
Description: Set name as None,Id as ZZZ999 and balance as 0
Seller::Seller() {
strcpy(firstName ,"None");
strcpy(lastName, "None");
strcpy(ID, "ZZZ999");
salesTotal = 0;
Function: Parameterized constructor
ParamIn: fName,lName,id and total
ParamOut: None
Description: Set name,id and balance as passed arguments
Seller::Seller(const char fName[], const char lName[], const char
id[], double total) {
Function: print
ParamIn: None
ParamOut: None
Description: Display formatted seller details
void Seller::print() {
std::cout << std::fixed <<
std::cout <
Function: setFirstName
ParamIn: fName
ParamOut: None
Description: Check name length, if greater than 0 change
firstname,otherwise None
void Seller::setFirstName(const char fName[]) {
if (strlen(fName) > 0) {
else {
strcpy(firstName, "None");
Function: setLastName
ParamIn: lName
ParamOut: None
Description: Check name length, if greater than 0 change last
name,otherwise None
void Seller::setLastName(const char lName[]) {
if (strlen(lName) > 0 ) {
strcpy(lastName, lName);
else {
Function: setID
ParamIn: id
ParamOut: None
Description: Check id length, if greater than 0 and less than
7,then change ID with id,otherwise ZZZ999
void Seller::setID(const char id[]) {
if (strlen(id) > 0 && strlen(id) < 7)
strcpy(ID, id);
else {
Function: setSalesTotal
ParamIn: total
ParamOut: None
Description: Check total>0 , then set salesTotal with
total,otherwise 0
void Seller::setSalesTotal(double total) {
if (total < 0) {
salesTotal = 0;
else {
salesTotal = total;
Function: getSalesTotal
ParamIn: None
ParamOut: salesTotal
Description: Return salesTotal of seller
double Seller::getSalesTotal() {
return salesTotal;
//Test class
#include "seller.h"
int main()
//Create 5 seller objects
Seller seller1("Jane", "John", "CSI240",
Seller seller2;
Seller seller3("", "Robinson", "TOOBIG999",
Seller seller4("Tarik", "Cohen", "RUN29",
Seller seller5("Kyle", "Long", "TACK75",
//Display first seller
std::cout << "First Seller\n";
//Display second seller
std::cout << "\nSecond Seller\n";
//set properties of second seller
//Display third seller
std::cout << "\nThird Seller\n";
//set properties of second seller
//Display fourth seller
std::cout << "\nFourth Seller\n";
std::cout << "The sales total is $" <<
seller4.getSalesTotal() << std::endl;
//Display fifth seller
std::cout << "\nFifth Seller\n";
//set properties of second seller
First Seller
John, Jane
CSI240 1234.56
Second Seller
None, None
QB10 246.80
Third Seller
Robinson, None
Robinson, Allen
WIDE12 9900000.99
Fourth Seller
The sales total is $13579.11
Fifth Seller
Long, Kyle
TACK75 24680.24
None, None