
In: Operations Management

Compare the role of a seller in consumer markets with a seller in business-to-business markets.

Compare the role of a seller in consumer markets with a seller in business-to-business markets.


Expert Solution

Below is how the role of a seller differs from a consumer market from a business-to-business market -

1. In a b2b market, the seller does more of personal selling and requires to build a long-term relationship with the business to whom the products/services are sold.

In a b2c market, the seller uses the services of retailers or wholesalers to sell the products to the consumer. The seller doesn't need to interact with cosnumers.

2. B2B - The sales orders involve huge volumes

B2C - The sales quantities involve lesser volumes

3. B2B - The decision making for purchase is longer due to which the seller needs to interact with the buyer on a continuous basis by detailing out the product features, clarifying on any questions etc.

B2C - The purchase decision is made in a short duration and in some cases it also involves impulse purchases and hence the role of seller is minimal to convince buyer to purchase the products.

4. Selling is more organized with concentration of a smaller lead pool for a B2B market.

Selling is less organized with sales happening through multiple channels for large number of individual consumers for a B2C market.

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