
In: Psychology

Evaluate the contention (and/or evidence) that a woman falls in love with a man who reminds...

Evaluate the contention (and/or evidence) that a woman falls in love with a man who reminds her 
of her father and a man falls in love with a woman who reminds him of his mother. 


Expert Solution


INTRODUCTION :- Our parents are the most important and the precious part of our life.There are numerous reason behind it,and the most important is they provide us with this life,and grow us up providing us the best of life.Apparently due to this,whenever a person,be a man or woman goes in a relationship,they somehow tries to relate their signigicant other with their respective parent,as such in terms of man they tend to look and determine the similarities their partners have with their mother,and in case of women,they look for the similarities with their father in their partners.Considering the same,there had been a contention about the the fact the fact that a woman falls in love with a man who reminds hger of her father and a man falls in love with a woman who reminds him of his mother.And i completely agree with this opinion,as this definitely takes place with both man and woman,that seeking the things that reminds of their parents,while being in any relationship.


It is one true fact that,whenever a person involves in relationship,they somehow tends to bring out the qualities in their partners,which they find resembling with their opposite gender parent.It is not at all the case,that the person will do this intentionally,like beforehand evaluating the qualities that matches with their parents,then further goes with the relation with their partners,rather it mostly happens even if they are not consciously thinking about the same,but when being with person they tend to relate,that the person,whom they have fell in love is somehow as same as their own parents.This similarity can be in any regard as such,they might have some of the physical feature,that could resemble,or even the manner of their behavior as well.This is applicable for both men as well as women,that they seek for the person who reminds them of their mother and father respectively.Moreover,on the basis of the studies done in the field,and also considering the opinion of those psychologist who are mainly involves in the field of relationship,it is found that,when the person is at his infant age,the very first time,any man and woman come across the person of other gender is their parents only.It is the pattern in which they behave with their child,in terms of providing security or care,will eventually makes the person to attract the person of similar sort,and even learn the attribute and behave similarly when grow up with their significant other.Moreover,if somehow,any child have been deprived of love and affection due to any reason from their parents,as such men from their mother,and women from their father,still they will tend to attract and fall in love wth similar sort of person,which resemble their parent.The major reason behind this,is that they might themselves feel that they could fill the void and help the person to become better,so that the thing they themselves have come acrossed in their life,will further not continue with the person they are in love with.So,on the basis of the studies which clearly approves the fact,and even with the opinion of psychologist which is specifically engaged in dealing with realtionship,we can say that woman falls in love with man who reminds her of her father,and man falls for a women,which reminds him of his mother.

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