In: Computer Science
Create an entity relationship diagram to describe the data requirements of the system.
Here is how some of the business is described:
- In a real estate transaction, there is a buyer, a seller, a property, a purchase agreement and a real estate agent
- A seller may have one or more properties to sell
- A buyer wants to buy only one property
- A purchase agreement is between the seller and the buyer, and only for one property
- The real estate agent must be part of the purchase agreement as a witness to the transaction.
Specific instructions:
Choose the properties that you feel are necessary for each entity. May sure they appear on the diagram.
I haved added the attributes and relations as per requirement. Buyer can buy one and only one property so one purchase agreement. Seller can sell many properties so he/she can have many purchase agreement. RealStateAgent is the witness so he/she is attribute in entity purchase agreement.
ER Diagram: (Crow's Foot Notation)