
In: Nursing

Select a disorder below and discuss the psychosocial impacts on the client from the disorder: Inflammatory...

Select a disorder below and discuss the psychosocial impacts on the client from the disorder:

  • Inflammatory bowel disease – either ulcerative colitis or Crohn disease
  • Irritable bowel syndrome
  • Celiac disease
  • Ileostomy
  • Colostomy
  • Pseudomembranous colitis (aka: C. difficile)

Be sure to do the following:

  1. Identify the pathophysiology of the disorder.
  2. Discuss manifestations of the disorder.

Use one evidence-based article from peer-reviewed journals or scholarly sources (not the Internet) to support your findings. Be sure to acknowledge the source you use.


Expert Solution


celiac disease is also known as glutten enteropathy or celiac sprue.

Intolerenc to glutten , the protein component of wheat, barely,rye and oats is charecteristic

celiac disease results in the accumulation of the  aminoacid glutamine ,which is toxic to intestinal mucosal cells.

when people with celiac disease eat any substance that has gluten the body overreact to the protein and damage their villi. Thus, intestinal villous atrophy occurs , which affects absorption of ingested nutrients.

symptom of the disorder occur most often between ages of 1 and 5 years


acute or insidious diarrhoea



abdominal pain and distention

muscle wasting





Maintain a glutten freee diet, substituting corn, rice and millet as grain source.

instruct th eparetns and child about life long elimination of glutten sources such as wheat,rye ,oats and barley

administer minerals and vitamin supplements, including irion, folic acid, and fat- soluable vitamines

teach the child and parents about a gluten free diet and about reading food labels carefully for hidden source of gluten

instruct the parents in measures to prevent celiac crisis


precipited by fasting , infection or ingestion of glutten

causes profuse watery diarrhoea and vomitting'can lead to rapid dehydration


these children often shows symptoms such as attention deficit, hyperactivity disorders, depression and anxiety

many of them expess somekind of learning disordes

social anxiety,schizophrenia , and bipolar disorders are also common with celiac disease

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