
In: Computer Science

PLEASE CODE THIS IN JAVA Create a driver class Playground that contains the function, public static...


Create a driver class Playground that contains the function, public static void main(String[] args) {}.

  • Create 2 SportsCar and 2 Airplane instances using their constructors. (SPORTSCAR AND AIRPLANE CLASSES LISTED BELOW THIS QUESTION.
  • Add all 4 instances into a single array called, “elements.”
  • Create a loop that examines each element in the array, “elements.” If the elements item is a SportsCar, run the sound method and if the item is an Aeroplane, run it’s ChangeSpeed method.
  • Run the getCount() method (GET COUNT METHOD SHOWN IN CAR CLASS BELOW THIS QUESTION) to display how many total cars were created.

SportsCar Class:

class SportsCar extends Car{
   private String roof;
   private int doors;
   public SportsCar(String r,int d,String m) {
   public void ChangeSpeed() {
       if(speed>65) {
           throw new IllegalArgumentException("Invalid Speed");
   public void sound() {
   public void Start() {
   public void Stop() {

Airplane Class:

public class Airplane implements Vehicle{

    int speed;

    public Airplane() {
        this.speed = 0;

    public void Start() {
        System.out.println("Start method called");

    public void Stop() {
        System.out.println("Stop method called");

    public void ChangeSpeed() {
        speed += 5;

    public int getSpeed() {
        return speed;

    public void setSpeed(int speed) {
        this.speed = speed;

Car Class:

interface Vehicle{
        void Start();
        void Stop();
        void ChangeSpeed();
abstract class Car implements Vehicle{
        private int year;
        private int speed;
        private String make;
        private static int count=0;
        public Car(int aYear, String aMake) {
                year = aYear;
                make = aMake;
        abstract void sound();
        public static int getCount() {
                return count;


Expert Solution

class SportsCar extends Car{
   private String roof;
   private int doors;
   public SportsCar(String r,int d,String m) {
   public void ChangeSpeed() {
       if(speed>65) {
           throw new IllegalArgumentException("Invalid Speed");
   public void sound() {
   public void Start() {
   public void Stop() {
 class Airplane implements Vehicle{

    int speed;

    public Airplane() {
        this.speed = 0;

    public void Start() {
        System.out.println("Start method called");

    public void Stop() {
        System.out.println("Stop method called");

    public void ChangeSpeed() {
        speed += 5;

    public int getSpeed() {
        return speed;

    public void setSpeed(int speed) {
        this.speed = speed;
interface Vehicle{
        void Start();
        void Stop();
        void ChangeSpeed();
abstract class Car implements Vehicle{
        private int year;
        public int speed;
        private String make;
        private static int count=0;
        public Car(int aYear, String aMake) {
                year = aYear;
                make = aMake;
        abstract void sound();
        public static int getCount() {
                return count;
public class Playground {
        public static void main(String args[]) {
                SportsCar car1 = new SportsCar("Roof1",1000,"Door1");
                SportsCar car2 = new SportsCar("Roof1",1000,"Door1");
                Airplane plane1 = new Airplane();
                Airplane plane2 = new Airplane();
                String elements[]= {"car1","car2","plane1","plane2"};
                for(int i = 0; i < elements.length; i++) {
                        if(elements[i] == "car1") {
            else if(elements[i] == "car2") {
            else if(elements[i] == "plane1") {
            else if (elements[i] == "plane2"){

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