
In: Computer Science

Add a new method called insert_in_order() which accepts a number as its parameter and inserts that...

Add a new method called insert_in_order() which accepts a number as its parameter and inserts that number in the linked list in an ascending (sorted) order. Note that this method should be called for all the numbers (1, 5, 19, 7, 23, 17, 2) and the resulting linked list should come out sorted. (1, 2, 5, 7, 17, 19, 23)


class aNode {

char data;
aNode next;

aNode(char mydata) { // Constructor
data = mydata;
next = null;

class linkedList {

aNode head; // Head of the linked list
int size;

linkedList() { // Constructor
head = null;
size = 0;

public void insert_at_beginning(char value) {
aNode newNode = new aNode(value); // create aNew node = head;
head = newNode;

public void insert_at_end(char value) {
aNode newNode = new aNode(value); // create aNew node
if (isEmpty()) { = head;
head = newNode;
} else {
//find the last node
aNode ptr;
ptr = head;
while ( != null) {
ptr =;
} = newNode; //add the node to the end

public void insert_after(char value, char searchValue) {
if (isEmpty()) {
System.out.println("Linked List is empty, no way to insert " + value + " after " + searchValue);
} else {
//find the node with searchValue
aNode ptr;
boolean found = false;
ptr = head;
while (ptr != null && found == false) {
if ( == searchValue) {
found = true;
} else {
ptr =;
if (ptr == null) {
System.out.println("Did not find " + searchValue + "Nothing Inserted");
} else {
aNode newNode = new aNode(value); // create aNew node =; = newNode; //add the node after the searchValue
// Delete the first node with the value

public void delete(char deleteValue) {
if (isEmpty()) {
System.out.println("Linked List is empty, nothing to delete");
} else {
aNode deletePtr = head; // create a reference to head
if ( == deleteValue) {
head =; // remove the head
deletePtr = null; // make the node available for garbage collection.
} else {
aNode prevPtr;
deletePtr = prevPtr = head;
boolean found = false;
//find the value to be deleted
while (deletePtr != null && found == false) {
if ( == deleteValue) { // Read about the difference between == and .equals()
found = true; =;
deletePtr = null; // make deletePtr available to garbage collection
} else {
prevPtr = deletePtr;
deletePtr =;
if (found == false) {
System.out.println("Not able to find/delete " + deleteValue + " in the Linked List");

public boolean isEmpty() {
if (head == null) {
return (true);
} else {
return (false);

public void print() {
aNode ptr;
ptr = head;
System.out.print("Head--> ");
while (ptr != null) {
System.out.print( + " --> ");
ptr =;

public int getSize() {
return (size);

public void freeAll() {

aNode freePtr = head;
while (head != null) {
head =;
// the next two lines are unnecessary, but are included for
// illustration of how memory is freed up
freePtr = null; // make the node available for garbage collector
freePtr = head; // now let the freePtr to the new head
head = null;
size = 0;


Expert Solution

Code After Modification:

Node Class Code:

class aNode {

        int data;
        aNode next;

        aNode(int mydata) { // Constructor
                data = mydata;
                next = null;

linkedList Class Code:


class linkedList {

        aNode head; // Head of the linked list
        int size;

        linkedList() { // Constructor
                head = null;
                size = 0;

        public void insert_at_beginning(int value) {
                aNode newNode = new aNode(value); // create aNew node
       = head;
                head = newNode;

        public void insert_at_end(int value) {
                aNode newNode = new aNode(value); // create aNew node
                if (isEmpty()) {
               = head;
                        head = newNode;
                } else {
                        //find the last node
                        aNode ptr;
                        ptr = head;
                        while ( != null) {
                                ptr =;
               = newNode; // add the node to the end

        public void insert_after(int value, int searchValue) {
                if (isEmpty()) {
                        System.out.println("Linked List is empty, no way to insert " + value + " after " + searchValue);
                } else {
//find the node with searchValue
                        aNode ptr;
                        boolean found = false;
                        ptr = head;
                        while (ptr != null && found == false) {
                                if ( == searchValue) {
                                        found = true;
                                } else {
                                        ptr =;
                        if (ptr == null) {
                                System.out.println("Did not find " + searchValue + "Nothing Inserted");
                        } else {
                                aNode newNode = new aNode(value); // create aNew node
                       = newNode; // add the node after the searchValue
        // Delete the first node with the value

        public void delete(int deleteValue) {
                if (isEmpty()) {
                        System.out.println("Linked List is empty, nothing to delete");
                } else {
                        aNode deletePtr = head; // create a reference to head
                        if ( == deleteValue) {
                                head =; // remove the head
                                deletePtr = null; // make the node available for garbage collection.
                        } else {
                                aNode prevPtr;
                                deletePtr = prevPtr = head;
                                boolean found = false;
                                //find the value to be deleted
                                while (deletePtr != null && found == false) {
                                        if ( == deleteValue) { // Read about the difference between == and .equals()
                                                found = true;
                                                deletePtr = null; // make deletePtr available to garbage collection
                                        } else {
                                                prevPtr = deletePtr;
                                                deletePtr =;
                                if (found == false) {
                                        System.out.println("Not able to find/delete " + deleteValue + " in the Linked List");

        public boolean isEmpty() {
                if (head == null) {
                        return (true);
                } else {
                        return (false);

        public void print() {
                aNode ptr;
                ptr = head;
                System.out.print("Head--> ");
                while (ptr != null) {
                        System.out.print( + " --> ");
                        ptr =;

        public int getSize() {
                return (size);

        public void freeAll() {

                aNode freePtr = head;
                while (head != null) {
                        head =;
                        // the next two lines are unnecessary, but are included for
                        // illustration of how memory is freed up
                        freePtr = null; // make the node available for garbage collector
                        freePtr = head; // now let the freePtr to the new head
                head = null;
                size = 0;
         *  insert_in_order() which accepts a number as its parameter and 
         *  inserts that number in the linked list in an ascending (sorted) order
        //NOTE:To insert numbers into list we need to change type of data from char to int in class aNode
        public void insert_in_order(int n)
                aNode newNode=new aNode(n);
                /* Special case for head node */
                if(head==null ||>
                /* Locate the node before point of insertion. */
                aNode current=head;
                while(!=null &&<
        //Driver(Main method)
        public static void main(String[] args) {
                //create linkedList Object
                linkedList list=new linkedList();
                //values to be inserted into list
                int values[]= {1, 5, 19, 7, 23, 17, 2};
                //insert all values into list using insert_in_order method
                for(int i=0;i<values.length;i++)
                //print the list

Output Of Code:

Head--> 1 --> 2 --> 5 --> 7 --> 17 --> 19 --> 23 --> NULL

Useful Image Of Code:

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