In: Nursing
2month ago in hospital I saw a person name with Gaurav, 10year child with motor deficit. He was suffer with cerebral palsy. He was completely dependent on his parents, he unable to walk, spoke and unable to carry out daily activities.
Gaurav had abnormal reflexes, rigidity of the limbs and trunk, curved posture . He was doing abnorm movements of hands and limbs. Excessive salvation present and he don't had knowledge of surrounding. Sometimes seizures present.
As we taking history of his birth we know that he is premature baby, unable to cry at a time of birth. As he was grown up , mile stone of growth he does not follow after long time of birth, as his parent understand he is premature baby that's why he achieves miles stone delayed but after 1year when Gaurav unable to walk and he don't having control on his body movement then they took opinion of doctors and he diagnose with cerebral palsy.
After treatment and physiotherapy he can slightly able to control body movement. But he not able to speech clearly and unable to walk. He unable to understand voiding stool and urine. His treatment still continue in hospital and his parents taking good care of his .