
In: Computer Science

Compare the list, stack and queue

Compare the list, stack and queue


Expert Solution

  • LIST:
  1. A list is a finite, ordered sequence of data items known as elements.
  2. Link list is not a liner data structure. Here you can access any element or add any element in between.
  3. In Link list you basically use to pointers , one to store the value of the variable and other to store the address of the next node(link list single element known as node).
  4. Linked lists provide very fast insertion or deletion of a list member.
  • STACK:
  1. A stack is a collection of objects in which objects are accessed in LIFO (Last In First Out) fashion.
  2. The object that is inserted first is removed last in a stack.
  3. Stacks are less flexible than lists, but are easier to implement, and more efficient.
  4. In stacks only one pointer is used. It points to the top of the stack.
  • QUEUE:
  1. Queue is a FIFO (First-In, First-Out) list, a list-like structure that provides restricted access to its elements.
  2. In queue, elements may only be inserted at the back and removed from the front.
  3. In queues, two different pointers are used for front and rear ends.
  4. Queue operations are called enqueue and dequeue. Insertion of elements is at the end of the queue
    Deletion of elements is from the beginning of the queue.

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