
In: Computer Science

Write a program that will print the whole numbers from a user-specified minimum to a user-specified...

Write a program that will print the whole numbers from a user-specified minimum to a user-specified maximum. Display the total amount of numbers printed.


Expert Solution

Below is the C program to print whole number between minimum to maximum range provided by user. and total amount of numbers printed.

Both minimum and maximun numbers are inclusive

#include <stdio.h>

int main()
    int minNumber, maxNumber, i;
    int totalNumberPrinted = 0;
    printf("Enter minimun number : ");
    scanf("%d", &minNumber);
    printf("Enter maximum number : ");
    scanf("%d", &maxNumber);
    //this minimun number and maximum number both inclusive
    for (i = minNumber; i<= maxNumber; i++) {
        printf("\n%d ",i);
    printf("\nTotal numbers printed are : %d", totalNumberPrinted);
    return 0;

Below is the output screenshot

Here assuming that user will give postive integers only as a input and maximun input number is greater than minimum number.

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