
In: Computer Science

Write a C++ program that finds the minimum number entered by the user .The user is...

Write a C++ program that finds the minimum number entered by the user .The user is allowed to enter negative numbers 0, or positive numbers. The program should be controlled with a loop statement. Break statements is not allowed to break from loop. After each number inputted by the user, The program will prompt user if they need to enter another number. User should enter either Y for yes or N for no. Make Sure the user enters either Y or N. If the user enters any other letter, re-prompt the user to reeenter either Y or N. If the user enters “Y” then the program should promote for another number. Once the user enters ‘N’ the program will display the minimum number thank has been entered and terminates the program. You must Use one switch statement.


Expert Solution


using namespace std;

int main()
   int n, min=32767000;
   char choice;

   cout<<"Enter number : ";


       cout<<"Do you want to Continue(y/n)? ";
   }while(choice=='y' || choice=='Y');

   cout<<"\nMinimum Number :"<<min;

   return 0;

Note: Refer the screenshots below for further clarification.


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