for each matrix A below, describe the invariant subspaces for
the induced linear operator T on...
for each matrix A below, describe the invariant subspaces for
the induced linear operator T on F^2 that maps each v set of F^2 to
T(v)=Av. (a) [4,-1;2,1], (b) [0,1;-1,0], (c) [2,3;0,2], (d)
1. For each matrix A below compute the characteristic polynomial
χA(t) and do a direct matrix computation to verify that χA(A) =
(4 3
-1 1) (2 1 -1 0 3 0 0 -1 2) (3*3 matrix)
2. For each 3*3 matrix and each eigenvalue below
construct a basis for the eigenspace Eλ.
A= (9 42 -30 -4 -25 20 -4 -28 23),λ = 1,3
A= (2 -27 18 0 -7 6 0 -9 8) , λ = −1,2...
Let T be a linear operator on a finite-dimensional complex
vector space V . Prove that T is diagonalizable if and only if for
every λ ∈ C, we have N(T − λIV ) = N((T − λIV
Question 2. True or false
2. If [T]β is the matrix representing the linear map T in the
basis β, then the jth column of [T]β contain the coordinates of the
T(βj) in the basis β, and same for the rows.
Consider the linear time invariant system described by the
transfer function G(s) given below. Find the steady-state response
of this system for two cases: G(s) = X(s)/F(s) =
(s+2)/(3(s^2)+6s+24) when the input is f(t) = 5sin(2t) and f(t) =
5sin(2t) + 3sin(2sqrt(3)t)
Using MATLAB, determine whether the system below are a)
linear/non-linear b) time-invariant/timevariant, c)
causal/noncausal, d) has memory/memoryless:
y(t) = x(t) + x(t -1)
Provide MATLAB code and graphs to show your work for the
linearity and time-invariance testing.
For each situation below determine the direction of the induced
current in the loop (if there is one).
(a) A square loop is moving at a constant velocity to the right
through a uniform magnetic fieldthat is directed into the page and
which extends out of the picture to the left and right. In which
direction is the induced current in the loop?
[ ] clockwise [ ] counter-clockwise [ ] there is no induced
current Justify your answer (with...
In Java Describe an algorithm that given a matrix described
below determines whether matrix contains a value k. The input
matrix A[1...n, 1...n] has all rows and columns arranged in an
non-descending order A[i, j] < A[i, j+1], A[j, i] < A[j + 1,
i] for all 1 < i < n and 1 < j < n
Classify the following system with output current given (by the
equation below) as linear/non linear
i0(t)= 5 i1(t) + 8 i2 (t-10) + 0.25 i3 (t+2)
Is this linear or non linear
Energy Matrix
Use your textbook to research each energy
source in the matrix below.
Complete the matrix with 1- to 2-sentence
responses for each prompt.
Energy source
(Where does the energy come from? How is it
Renewable or non-renewable? Explain.
Examples of use
Limitations to using this resource
Benefits to using this resource
Fossil fuels (gas, oil, coil, petroleum)
Nuclear power
Wind energy
Solar energy
Biomass energy
Geothermal energy