
In: Computer Science

Write an AutoInsurance class to abstract auto insurance polices.


Write an AutoInsurance class to abstract auto insurance polices. Each auto insurance policy contains policy holder's name, policy number, car model, monthly premium, inception date, and expire date. This class needs to provide two constructors and one method which is to calculate the yearly premium.


Expert Solution

using System;
namespace InsuranceApplication  
   class AutoInsurancePolicy
       private string policyHolderName;
       private long policyNumber;
       private string carModel;
       private double monthlyPremium;
       String inceptionDate;
       String expiryDate;

       public AutoInsurancePolicy()
           Console.WriteLine("Object is being created");

       public AutoInsurancePolicy(string name, long number, string model, double premium, String inception, String expiry)
           policyHolderName = name;
           policyNumber = number;
           carModel = model;
           monthlyPremium = premium;
           inceptionDate = inception;
           expiryDate = expiry;

       public double calculateYearlyPremium()
           return monthlyPremium*12;
   class AutoInsurance
       static void Main(string[] args)
           AutoInsurancePolicy policy = new AutoInsurancePolicy("Aakash",123,"abcc",125.00,"12/06/2016","12/06/2020");
           Console.WriteLine("Yearly Premium : {0}", policy.calculateYearlyPremium());
           AutoInsurancePolicy policy1 = new AutoInsurancePolicy("Aakash",1222,"abcc",250.00,"12/06/2016","12/06/2020");
           Console.WriteLine("Yearly Premium : {0}", policy1.calculateYearlyPremium());


Sample Output :

Yearly Premium : 1500
Yearly Premium : 3000

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