
In: Computer Science

TO DO in JAVA: The program that runs is TrackInsurance. Open this up and add five...

TO DO in JAVA: The program that runs is TrackInsurance. Open this up and add five instances of your ArtInsurance class at the noted location in the main method. Use whatever data you like.


package itp120mod6;

import java.util.*;

public class TrackInsurance extends Object {

public static Scanner scan = new Scanner(;

// method that runs first

public static void main(String[] args) throws Exception {

// make an ArrayList of customers and insurance policies

ArrayList cust = new ArrayList();

// note - the ArrayList below can hold Insurance objects

// but with inheritance, that includes Auto, Health, Life and Art

ArrayList ins = new ArrayList();

// create some fake customers (used for testing the program)

Customer c = new Customer("Duck", "Donald");

Customer c1 = new Customer("Mouse", "Minnie");

Customer c2 = new Customer("Mouse", "Mickey");

// add the customers to the array list




// make and add some insurance policies to the ArrayList

ins.add(new AutoInsurance(c, 2));

ins.add(new AutoInsurance(c1, 3));

/*ins.add(new HealthInsurance(c, 5));

ins.add(new HealthInsurance(c2, 1));

ins.add(new LifeInsurance(c, 30000, 65));

ins.add(new LifeInsurance(c1, 400000, 34));*/

// add your ArtInsurance instances here

//ins.add(new ArtInsurance(.....));

int choice = 0;

while (choice >= 0) {

choice = menu();

if (choice == 1)


else if (choice == 2)


else if (choice == 3) {


.println("Now lets find the information for a certain policy number");

System.out.println("What policy number do you want to find?");

int num = scan.nextInt();

printPolicy(ins, num);

} else if (choice == 4) {


.println("Now let's find all of the policies for a given customer");

System.out.println("What is the customer id?");

int custNum = scan.nextInt();

getCustomer(ins, custNum);

} else if (choice == 5)


else if (choice == 6)


else if (choice == 7) {


choice = -1;


} // end while


public static int menu() {



.println(" 1. Print all customers (call the toString method)");


.println(" 2. Print all insurance information (call the toString method)");


.println(" 3. Given a policy number, print the policy information");


.println(" 4. Find all of the policies for a given customer");


.println(" 5. Sort the insurance policy information by customer number");


.println(" 6. Sort the insurance policy information by policy number");

System.out.println(" 7. QUIT!! ");

System.out.println("\n CHOICE:");

int value = scan.nextInt();

return value;


// write a printAllCusts method that prints out the toString method for all

// of the customers

public static void printAllCustomers(ArrayList cust) {


// write a printAllInsurance method that prints out the toString method for

// all of the insurance policies

public static void printAllInsurance(ArrayList insure) {

// print out all of the information

for (Insurance ins : insure)



// write a printPolicy method that prints the information for the policy

// number

// passed in or the statement "That policy does not exist" if it is not

// present

public static void printPolicy(ArrayList insure, int num) {


// write a getCustomer method that prints the information for all of the

// policies for a given customer

// that customer number is passed in. If none, have it print

// "There are no policies for that customer"

public static void getCustomer(ArrayList insure, int num) {


// write a method that sorts the policies by policy number

// look at the example in the search_sort package

public static void sortPolNum(ArrayList insure) {



// write a method that sorts the policies by customer number

// this one is tougher since you can not use the Collections.sort() method

// so you need to just slug out some code.

// Look at the bubble sort from the SortByHand in the search_sort package

// You will want to do something similar

// Here is some pseudocode to help


public static void sortCustNum(ArrayList insure) {


for (int out = insure.size() - 1; out > 1; out--)

for (int in = 0; in < out; in++) {

// get the first insurance policy

// get the customer from that insurance policy

// get the customer number from that insurance policy

// get the second insurance policy

// get the customer from that insurance policy

// get the customer number from that insurance policy

// We want to check to see if the second customer number is

// less than the first one

// NOTE: When comparing customer numbers:

// SortByHand uses Strings so it uses the compareTo()

// method.

// We are comparing integers so we can just use <

// if the second customer number is less than the first one

// swap the two insurance policies in the original "insure"

// ArrayList

// check out the SortByHand to see how to swap.






public class ArtInsurance extends Insurance {


private String description;

private double value;

//constructor which internally calls the super class constructoor which sets values to super class variables as well

public ArtInsurance(Customer cust, String description, double value,int policyNum,double yearlyRate) {


this.description = description;

this.value = value;



public ArtInsurance(String description, double value) {


this.description = description;

this.value = value;


//getters and setters

public String getDescription() {

return description;


public void setDescription(String description) {

this.description = description;


public double getValue() {

return value;


public void setValue(double value) {

this.value = value;



public void calcRate() {

// TODO Auto-generated method stub





public String toString() {

return "ArtInsurance [description=" + description + ", value=" + value

+ ", customer=" + customer + ", yearlyRate=" + yearlyRate

+ ", policyNumber=" + policyNumber + "]";




Expert Solution

Modified Main Method:

import java.util.*;

public class TrackInsurance extends Object {

public static Scanner scan = new Scanner(;

// method that runs first

public static void main(String[] args) throws Exception {

// make an ArrayList of customers and insurance policies

ArrayList cust = new ArrayList();

// note - the ArrayList below can hold Insurance objects

// but with inheritance, that includes Auto, Health, Life and Art

ArrayList ins = new ArrayList();

// create some fake customers (used for testing the program)

Customer c = new Customer("Duck", "Donald");

Customer c1 = new Customer("Mouse", "Minnie");

Customer c2 = new Customer("Mouse", "Mickey");

// add the customers to the array list




// make and add some insurance policies to the ArrayList

ins.add(new AutoInsurance(c, 2));

ins.add(new AutoInsurance(c1, 3));

/*ins.add(new HealthInsurance(c, 5));

ins.add(new HealthInsurance(c2, 1));

ins.add(new LifeInsurance(c, 30000, 65));

ins.add(new LifeInsurance(c1, 400000, 34));*/

// add your ArtInsurance instances here

//ins.add(new ArtInsurance(.....));
//here I have type casted to object to avoid errors since ArrayList is not generic
ins.add((Object) new ArtInsurance(c, "Painting",5000,123,85));
ins.add((Object) new ArtInsurance(c1, "Drawing",5000,1234,85));
ins.add((Object) new ArtInsurance(c2, "MOnoArt",5000,12345,85));
ins.add((Object) new ArtInsurance(c2, "ArtisticPainting",5000,123456,85));
ins.add((Object) new ArtInsurance(c1, "WetPainting",5000,123789,85));

int choice = 0;

while (choice >= 0) {

choice = menu();

if (choice == 1)


else if (choice == 2)


else if (choice == 3) {


.println("Now lets find the information for a certain policy number");

System.out.println("What policy number do you want to find?");

int num = scan.nextInt();

printPolicy(ins, num);

} else if (choice == 4) {


.println("Now let's find all of the policies for a given customer");

System.out.println("What is the customer id?");

int custNum = scan.nextInt();

getCustomer(ins, custNum);

} else if (choice == 5)


else if (choice == 6)


else if (choice == 7) {


choice = -1;


} // end while


public static int menu() {



.println(" 1. Print all customers (call the toString method)");


.println(" 2. Print all insurance information (call the toString method)");


.println(" 3. Given a policy number, print the policy information");


.println(" 4. Find all of the policies for a given customer");


.println(" 5. Sort the insurance policy information by customer number");


.println(" 6. Sort the insurance policy information by policy number");

System.out.println(" 7. QUIT!! ");

System.out.println("\n CHOICE:");

int value = scan.nextInt();

return value;


// write a printAllCusts method that prints out the toString method for all

// of the customers

public static void printAllCustomers(ArrayList cust) {


// write a printAllInsurance method that prints out the toString method for

// all of the insurance policies

public static void printAllInsurance(ArrayList insure) {

// print out all of the information

for (Insurance ins : insure)



// write a printPolicy method that prints the information for the policy

// number

// passed in or the statement "That policy does not exist" if it is not

// present

public static void printPolicy(ArrayList insure, int num) {


// write a getCustomer method that prints the information for all of the

// policies for a given customer

// that customer number is passed in. If none, have it print

// "There are no policies for that customer"

public static void getCustomer(ArrayList insure, int num) {


// write a method that sorts the policies by policy number

// look at the example in the search_sort package

public static void sortPolNum(ArrayList insure) {



// write a method that sorts the policies by customer number

// this one is tougher since you can not use the Collections.sort() method

// so you need to just slug out some code.

// Look at the bubble sort from the SortByHand in the search_sort package

// You will want to do something similar

// Here is some pseudocode to help


public static void sortCustNum(ArrayList insure) {


for (int out = insure.size() - 1; out > 1; out--)

for (int in = 0; in < out; in++) {

// get the first insurance policy

// get the customer from that insurance policy

// get the customer number from that insurance policy

// get the second insurance policy

// get the customer from that insurance policy

// get the customer number from that insurance policy

// We want to check to see if the second customer number is

// less than the first one

// NOTE: When comparing customer numbers:

// SortByHand uses Strings so it uses the compareTo()

// method.

// We are comparing integers so we can just use <

// if the second customer number is less than the first one

// swap the two insurance policies in the original "insure"

// ArrayList

// check out the SortByHand to see how to swap.





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