
In: Nursing

Write a SOAP note presentation of chest pain in primary care visit. CC: 56-year-old Asian male...

Write a SOAP note presentation of chest pain in primary care visit.

CC: 56-year-old Asian male c/o of chest pain for 2 days.

Your information in the subjective and objective data can be based on a hypothetical case.

here is an example of a soap note u can use to write your own answer . im only providing the example to help u please write something different and simple thank you

here is the example




Time: 00


Sex: F



"I have a sharp pain in the chest for the past 2 days"


28 year old black American female presents to the office with   chest pain of 4/10, sternal area, on and off, while walking and sometimes even when just sitting, lasts for about 5 - 10 minutes, and even hurts on deep breathing. No cough, no shortness of breath, no orthopnea. meloxicam helps the pain a little bit.


Nitroglycerin 0.4 MG Sublingual Tablet Sublingual; Place 1 tablet sublingualy one time prn chest pain

Albuterol Sulfate (2.5 MG/3ML) 0.083% Inhalation Nebulization Solution; Inhale 1 ml by inhalation Q4-6H prn for asthma and wheezing;


Clotrimazole Bethametasone creame; Apply BID cream;

Dulcolax 5 MG Oral Tablet Delayed Release; Take 1 tablet orally daily prn constipation.

Ferrous Sulfate 325 (65 Fe) MG Oral Tablet; Take 1 tablet by mouth TID .

Flonase Allergy Relief 50 MCG/ACT Nasal Suspension; Use 2 squirt in the nostrils BID

FLUoxetine HCl 20 MG Oral Capsule; Take 1 capsule by mouth DAILY

Meloxicam 15 mg ; Take 1 tablet by mouth DAILY

Pantoprazole Sodium 40 MG Oral Tablet Delayed Release; Take 1 tablet orally daily

ProAir HFA 108 (90 Base) MCG/ACT Inhalation Aerosol Solution; Inhale 1.5 puff BID prn for asthma and wheezing


Triamcinolone Acetonide 0.1 % External Cream; Apply BID topically

Ultram 50 MG Oral Tablet; Take 1 tablet Q6h prn for pain

PMH Asthma, obesity, tinea Gerd

Allergies: Xanax ,Vicodin, Morphine , Hydralazine ,Wellbutri

Medication Intolerances: None

Chronic Illnesses/Major traumas None

Hospitalizations/Surgeries:Cyst removal on the ovary 2013

Family History

Father Hx: Alive age 57
Mother Hx: Deceased age 30's of HIV
3 Brothers, 2 deceased and 1 Alive and healthy

Single with no children, working as a cashier at Everbank fields
Education- Some college
Non smoker, No alcohol, 1 cup of coffee a week
Hrs of sleep:4-6
Living with:Fiance and 2 birds
Mental state:Depressed
Exercise - Running



No weight change, denies fatigue, no fever,


Chest pain, no palpitations, no orthopnea, no edema


No skin discolorations,


No cough, no wheezing,no SOB


No visual changes of any kind


No abdominal pain, no constipation


No ear pain,


No urgency

sexual activity, no STDS

   Fe: last pap, breast, mammo, menstrual complaints, vaginal discharge, pregnancy hx

Male: prostate, PSA, urinary complaints


No nose bleeding, no sore throat, no difficulty swallowing.


No back pain Rom: Full Muscle tone NL


No lumps no discharge


No seizure no syncope,


No bruising, HIV negatine


No depression, anxiety, sleeping difficulties, suicidal ideation


Weight        BMI






General Appearance

Healthy appearing adult female in no acute distress. Alert and oriented; answers questions appropriately. Slightly somber affect at first, then brighter later.


Skin is warm, dry, clean and intact. No rashes or lesions noted.


Head is normocephalic, atraumatic and without lesions; hair evenly distributed. Eyes: PERRLA. EOMs intact. No conjunctival or scleral injection. Ears: Canals patent. Bilateral TMs pearly grey with positive light reflex; landmarks easily visualized. Nose: Nasal mucosa pink; normal turbinates. No septal deviation. Neck: Supple. Full ROM; no cervical lymphadenopathy; no occipital nodes. No thyromegaly or nodules. Oral mucosa pink and moist. Pharynx is nonerythematous and without exudate. No missing


S1, S2 with regular rate and rhythm. No extra sounds, clicks, rubs or murmurs. Capillary refill 2 seconds. Pulses 3+ throughout. No edema.


Symmetric chest wall. Respirations even and unlabored ; lungs clear to auscultation bilaterally.


Abdomen obese; BS active in all 4 quadrants. Abdomen soft, non-tender. No hepatosplenomegaly.


Breast is free from masses or tenderness, no discharge, no dimpling, wrinkling or discoloration of the skin.


Bladder is non-distended; no CVA tenderness. External genitalia reveals coarse pubic hair in normal distribution; skin color is consistent with general pigmentation.


Full ROM seen in all 4 extremities as patient moved about the room.


Speech clear. Good tone. Posture erect. Balance stable; gait normal.


Alert and oriented 4 . Dressed in clean slacks, shirt and coat. Maintains eye contact. Speech is soft, though clear and of normal rate and cadence; answers questions appropriately.

Lab Tests


Special Tests



Differential Diagnoses

1)R079; Chest pain, unspecified

2)K210; Gastro-esophageal reflux disease with esophagitis

3)J4531; Mild persistent asthma with (acute) exacerbation

4)M940; Chondrocostal junction syndrome


EKG done NTG SL prn refer to Cardio continue Meloxicam prn pain continue Pantoprazole monitor BP continue other current meds. F/u if not better. Follow up if conditions worsen. to ER if worse Patient instructed of above care plan. Monitor Blood Pressure. Continue current medications. All questions answered to the patient's satisfaction. Electronically prescribed medication(s) this visit.

Evaluation of patient encounter


Expert Solution


Tuesday 06 October

Current condition: Chest pain(Angina)

Goal: To relieve chest pain (angina),and shortness of breath.

Ravi is 18 years old Male .

Referral : None


Cheif Complaints:- Fast heart rate at times at past three weeks with chest pain level of 5/10.The pain is right over mt heart. I have shortness of breath.

Ravi has been checking blood pressure twice a week.His values are usually 140/90. He has not experienced side effects of medication.

Complaints with daziness only during position change.


Pluse: 72 b/m

Blood pressure:- 140/90

Height:- 5'10''

BMI: 28.7

Neck : No jugular vein distension

Lungs: Clear to ascultation

No edema , no heart murmurs

No cyanosis


18 years old man(Ravi) seen for follow up after surgery and for hypertension.

Good exercise tolerance.

Hypertension well controlled with atenolol . Since B.P less than 140/90.


  • Continue current medication.
  • Encourage Mr. Ravi to check his blood pressure continuously.
  • Continue follow up if condition deteriorates.
  • Avoid smoking,drinking alcohol etc.

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