
In: Statistics and Probability

Chapter 13 A Factorial ANOVA was conducted on the data set “Goggles.sav” in the Field textbook....

Chapter 13

A Factorial ANOVA was conducted on the data set “Goggles.sav” in the Field textbook. Results are below:

Tests of Between-Subjects Effects

Dependent Variable: Attractiveness of Date


Type III Sum of Squares


Mean Square



Corrected Model
























Sex * Alcohol













Corrected Total



a. R Squared = .611 (Adjusted R Squared = .565)

  1. Looking at the ANOVA table (Tests of Between-Subjects Effects):

    1. Number of main effect(s) = _____

    2. Number of interaction(s) = _____

    3. Degrees of freedom of residual term = _____

2. Indicate the lower order effect(s):______________________; indicate the higher order


3. What can you conclude about the significance of the main effects? Interaction?

4. Report the main effect of Sex, in APA format. Report the main effect of Alcohol, in APA format. Report the interaction effect of Sex and Alcohol, in APA format.

5. Would you interpret the main effects of Sex and Alcohol? Why or why not?

6. What would a significant Sex by Alcohol interaction mean? For interpretation, where would you look next in the output?


Expert Solution

H01: sex has no effect in attractiveness of date.


H11:sex has effect in attractiveness of date.


H02: alcohol has no effect in attractiveness of date


H12: alcohol has effect in attractiveness of date


H03: sex*alcohol has no effect in attractiveness of date


H13: sex*alchohol has effect in attractiveness of date.

1) Number of main effect=2 (sex and alcohol)

Number of interaction effect=1 (sex*alcohol)

degree of freedom of residual term=83.06

2) lower oder effect: sex*alcohol

higher order effect: sex and alcohol

3) sex has no effect on effect on attractriveness of date since pvalue > 0.05 i.e we accept H01.

Alcohol and sex*alcohol has effect on attractiveness of date since pvalue < 0.05 i.e. we reject H02 and H03.

4) The main effect sex has pvalue 0.161 which is greater than level of significance i.e 0.05. Therefore we may accept, H01: sex has no effect in attractiveness of date.

The main effect alcohol has pvalue 0.000 which is less than level of significance i.e. 0.05. Therefore we may reject, H02: alcohol has no effect in attractiveness of date

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