1.HARVARD HEALTH PUBLISHING is the name of the magazine,the
Title of the article is How to boost your immune
system,published:September 2014 and updated:April 6, 2020,
URL is
- Helpful ways to strengthen our immune system and fight off
- what can we do to boost our immune system
- Healthy ways to strengthen our immune system
- Immune system and age
- Diet and our immune system
- Improve immunity with herbs and suppliments
- stress and immune function
- Does being cold give you a weak immune system
- Exercise:Good or bad for immunity?
3.By maintaining healthy lifestyle.By taking regular good
nourishment.By taking immunity boosting pills or herbal
preparations that claim to "support immunity",Reducing stress
levels.By doing regular exercises.
- The content of this article is really helpful to boost our
immune system
- I find this article informative and helpful
Examples such as:A healthy immune system can defeat invading
pathogens.Malnutrition can lead to weaker immune system.And how
herbs and nutritional supplements can help in boosting our immune
- What are the immunity booster juices that we can drink?
- What kind of exercises helps in boosting immune system?
- How can we know that we are low on immune system?
5. Enticing
- attractive or tempting
- the idea of boosting your immunity is 'enticing'
- the movie that we saw was enticing
- arousing ones curiosity or interest,fascinating
- But that doesn't mean the effects of lifestyle on immune system
aren't intriguing.
- An intriguing story
- support or strengthen
- functions better when protected from environmental assaults and
bolstered by healthy living strategies
- this is helping me to bolster my confidence
- complicated or detailed
- There is sill that researchers don't know the intricacies
- an intricate network of canals