1. Since her sve shows signs of labor . It is time to push the
baby as soon as possible. So the nursinf interventions would
- Inform patient on progress of her labor.
- Assist patient with pant-blow breathing.
- Monitor maternal vital signs and fetal heart rate every 30
minutes -1 hour, or depending on the doctor’s order. Contraction
monitoring is also continued.
- When perineal bulging is noticeable, prepare for delivery.
Check room temperature (25-280C and free of air drafts).
The nurse should also notify staff and prepare necessary supplies
and equipment, including resuscitation machine. Lastly, perform
handwashing and double gloving.
2. FHR indicates the fetal heart rate of the baby .Fetal
distress or what doctors prefer to call "nonreassuring fetal
status"occurs when your baby's oxygen supply is compromised in
utero, usually during labor but occasionally in the third trimester
of pregnancy. Oxygen deprivation can result in decreased fetal
heart rate and can be serious for the baby.So since fhr is low , it
needs to be taken seriously.
3. Comfort measaures to relax the mother would be:
- Asking the mother to relax
- Distracting her mind away from the pain so that she isnt very
- Would pray with her , if that comforts her.
- Would show her good breathing techniques
- Therapeutic touch and massage
Here are nursing care tips for this stage:
- Instruct patient on quality pushing. The abdominal muscles must
aid the involuntary uterine contractions to deliver the baby
- Provide a quiet environment for the patient to concentrate on
bearing down.
- Provide positive feedback as the patient pushes.
- Repeat doctor’s instructions. At this phase, the patient barely
hears the conversation around the room because all her energy and
thoughts are being directed toward giving birth.
- Take note of the time of delivery and proceed to initiate
essential newborn care. Delayed cord clamping is recommended.
- Assist in restrictive episiotomy for patients who had vaginal