In: Economics
Discuss North America as a major marketplace and business center in the world economy. Be sure to include specific examples. You may also include specific companies but be sure to include a reference to the organization’s website. Walmsrt, Amazon, and Apple are companies that represent major marketplace and business centers in the world economy.
Answer : It is rightly said that north america as a major market place and business center in the world economy. There are various reason for which north america has been attained this postion are as follows :
Walmart is a multinational organisation which born in north america and has retial stores Sam walton in 1962 has launched the company walmart. The consumer of all over the world has been acquired by them.
Apple is a north america multinational corporation which design , developed and sold consumer electronic items , software of computer and different on-line services. In 1976, steve in noth america has launched the company apple.
There are various apple versions :
Apple is a world largest technology company collected higher revenues. Apple provides largest market share and attract higher income group person to all countries. There is no competitor in the market.
Amazon :
Amazon is the world largest network of on-line selling the product where there are large number of sellers purchasing the product and ultimate there is growth in noth america. Amazon has main aim is to earn maximum share and increases the market acquisation of the america.