Complete the following statements.Two compound propositions p and q in propositional logic are
logically equivalent if . . ..An argument form in propositional logic is valid if . . ..A theorem is a statement that . . ..A statement that is assumed to be true is called a(n) . . ..A proof is a valid argument that . . ..
Use the laws of propositional logic to prove that the following
compound propositions are logically equivalent.A. ? ↔ (? ∧ ?) and ? → ?B. ¬(? ∨ (? ∧ (? → ?))) and ¬? ∧ (? → ?)
Represent the following argument in the symbolic notation of
Propositional Logic: If this argument is sound, it’s valid, but
it’s not sound, so it’s invalid. (Remember how to use slashes in
propositional logic)
2. Determine whether the following Propositional Logic
statements are valid or invalid arguments. You may use a truth
table, proofs using rules of inference, or resolution (specify
which method you are using).
(a) p→q, ~q→r, r; ∴p
(b) ~p∨q, p→(r∧s), s→q; ∴q∨r
(c) p→(q→r), q; ∴p→r
Propositional Logic
Is the following formula in Conjunctive Normal Form? Why? Why
(¬A) n (A u B) n ¬(A u B)
where A and B are propositional variables.
Briefly summarize intro to logic. Make sure that you include the
following logical terms:
Categorical propositions
Categorical syllogisms
Propositional logic
Predicate logic
For this assignment, you will create flowchart using Flowgorithm
to represent the logic of a program that allows the user to enter a
number of dollars and convert it to Euros and Japanese yen. You
will have to do some research on current rates of monetary exchange
for this one. Don't forget to declare your variables and use output
statements to prompt the user to enter specific values prior to
including an input statement. You will use an assignment statement...