In: Nursing
1.What is ultrasound? How is it utilized in pregnancy (many reasons)? How often do low-risk women receive an ultrasound during pregnancy? Explain some reasons a woman may need to have more frequent ultrasounds.
2.What is a non-stress test? How is it performed; what equipment is needed? Why would this test be ordered for a pregnant client (numerous reasons)? What are the possible results and what do they mean?
3. What is a biophysical profile? How is it performed; what equipment is needed? What does it measure? Why would this test be ordered for a pregnant client (numerous reasons)? How are the various scores interpreted?
4. What are some referrals a prenatal care (OB) clinic may need to make to/for an antepartum (pregnant) client? Explain.
1. ultrasound:-
It is a diagnostic test used to create an image of internal body,such as internal organs, joints, muscles, tendons.
* In pregnancy ultrasound uses sound waves and computer screen to show the picture of baby in the womb,by which we can see baby.
* low risk women receive ultrasound 2 times that is in the first trimester to estimate how long the mother is pregnant and second time is during 18 to 22 weeks of pregnancy ,this is done to check anatomical development of baby.
* Frequent ultrasound is needed for some mothers who have some chronic conditions that may effect child.
Example :- Diabetes miletus- II.
* Hypertension.
* Growth restricted fetus.
* if any birth defects are observed.
It is a screening test performed during pregnancy to check the fetal heart rate.
* This test done through the mother, lie on recycling chair and the sensor is placed around the abdomen it measures the fetal heart takes normally 20 minutes. During this blood pressure is is monitored in regular interval.
* Electronic fetal monitor (cardiotocogram).
It has a Doppler transducer to monitor fetal heart rate,and blood pressure monitoring for mother.
* This test is ordered to identify fetal heart rate and response of fetus.
Conditions include :-
Fetal growth restriction.
Decreased fetal movements.
Multiple pregnancies etc.
* Non stress test:- reactive is normal and it indicates normal baby growth.
Non reactive indicates the heart is not beating fast up on movement,and requires other additional diagnostic procedures like biophysical profile.
3. This test combines with fetal heart rate monitoring and ultrasound,
* The test performed by the mother lie on her back and technician holds ultrasound and tococardiography is arranged to assess heart rate.
* it measures the health of the baby,in this test fetal heart rate, muscle tone, movement, breathing and amount of amniotic fluid present around fetus is monitored.
*eqipments :-
Belt with sensor.
* In some medical conditions this test should'be ordered that maybe :
Multiple pregnancy.
Diabetes miletus.
High blood pressure.
Heart diseases.
post term pregnancy.
This test is measured by score that includes 5 measurements, each measurement have 2 points,for one measurement if score is 0 it is not normal,if score is 2 it is normal the total score 8 to 10 indicates normal.
The referrals to pregnant in OB clinic:-
* Teach the person about dietary supplements.
* Warn her and say her to stay careful.
* 8 visits to the OB clinic are essential.
* Regular health checkups are necessary.
* Travelling should be avoided.
* Medications should be followed,etc.