
In: Nursing

Choose an intervention that you could use for the adolescent obesity community (other than the one...

  • Choose an intervention that you could use for the adolescent obesity community (other than the one you have selected for your Final Project).
  • Describe the issue and the intervention you would implement in response to it.
  • Discuss why that would be an appropriate intervention for that issue.
  • Include the level of prevention, steps required to complete the intervention, and how you would evaluate it.


Expert Solution

An intervention that use for the adolescent obesity community:

Interventions combine self monitoring and goal setting with digital health to help with weight management among adolescent aged 12-18 years who have overweight or obesity. Over a period of at least two months, adolescent record their weight and dietary or physical activity behaviour and track their progress towards set goals.

Implementation in adolescent obesity:

* Encouraging adolescent and their families to make a few small, permanent changes in behaviour at a time.

* Developing family awareness. Of eating, activity and parenting behavious.

*Encouraging a family to improve their monitoring of their eating and activity habits.


* The school should formulate and adhere to physical- education and activities.

* Family should be involved in planning means buying food and coming up with ways to be active together.

* Government must be regulate fast food advertisement aimed at children insist on food labelling.

* BMI should be calculated and 85th percentile should be advised about lifestyle interventions.

* Improve ing the population knowledge regarding adolescent obesity.

* Drug therapy

* Exercise programs

Steps for adolescent obesity:

* Don't focus on weight loss

* Provide nutritious food

* Get creative

* Remove temptations

* Limit fats and sweets

* Turn off TV while eating

* Teach healthy habits.

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