
In: Computer Science

In this problem you will design and implement C++ code that identifies overlap in strings. Specifically,...

In this problem you will design and implement C++ code that identifies overlap in strings. Specifically, design and implement a C++ program that does the following:
1. Asks a user to input a filename and then opens that file. If the file open fails, then print the message “Unable to open file” and terminate the program using exit(1).
2. Reads the file contents, in order, into an array of strings. (See the file format explanation below.)
3. Computes the string overlapping order described below, and then prints the strings out, one per line, in that order.
4. Closes the file.
File Format: The data file consists of a number of strings, each on its own line. You do not know in advance how many strings will be in the file, other than there will be no more than 30 strings. Assume (i) there is at least one string in the file, (ii) the strings do not have any whitespace in their interior, and (iii) the strings consist entirely of alphabetic, upper case characters. Here is an example of a data file containing four strings:
Overlapping Order: Here is the explanation of the string overlapping your program is to find in Step (3) above. Suppose we have the strings above read, in order, into an array of strings. We start with the first string in the array, AGGTGTGGA. What we want to determine is which of the other strings’ beginning overlaps the most with the end of the this first string. Note this is a nontrivial problem since we do not know without further analysis what the size of the overlapping substring will be. For example, if we just look at the last character of AGGTGTGGA, the A, there are two other strings that begin with A. If we look at the last two characters, GA, there are no strings starting with GA. If we
look at the last three, GGA, there is one other string starting at GGA. If we continue along this line, we notice that the largest overlap is the three characters GGA, and the overlap is with the fourth string. So move the fourth string into the second position in the array by exchanging it with the current second string:
Now which of the remaining strings (i.e., the third and fourth ones), has the largest overlap at its beginning with the end of GGAAAA? Both of the remaining strings have an overlap of one character (A), and of two characters (AA). But only one has a larger overlap, the fourth string, with maximum overlap AAAA. So move the fourth string into the third position by exchanging it with the third string:
Then we look for the maximum overlap between AAAATT and the remaining strings. However, since there is only one string left, the final string trivially has the maximum overlap. So the strings are now ordered as desired, and the program’s output should be the strings printed one per line in the order immediately above. Additional clarification, requirements, and advice: • If more than one string has the maximum overlap (e.g., two string overlap with the current string in a substring of 3 characters) choose the one that occurs first in the current array. • It is possible for the maximum overlap to be of length 0. • Your program should work on a data file with any name, and with any reasonable number of strings, as long as the number of strings is at most 30. • Your program just needs to print the strings in the final order. It does not need to print any additional information such as the amount of overlap. • Make sure you understand how the overlap works here with the end of the “current” string overlapping with the beginning of the other strings. • Finding the length of overlap between any two strings is not a simple task, but should not be extremely lengthy or difficult either. Think about the problem carefully, and remember you can use string functions as useful. Moreover, to organize your program, write a function int findOverlap(string s1, string s2) that finds the number of characters of overlap between the beginning of s2 and end of s1, and returns the length of this overlap. For example, when s1 = AGGTGTGGA and s2 = GATTTAG the function should return two since the largest overlap is two characters long, namely GA.
Here’s a complete example using another data file. Suppose the file is the following:
Then here is the program input and output. As usual, user input is underlined, and there is a single space between the input prompt and the input file name. And — also as usual — follow the input and output example carefully. Input filename: testData.dat AGCTG TGAGCGGA GCGGACGGG GGG GGGGC
And here is an example of an invalid filename: Input filename: Unable to open file


Expert Solution

So basically we have to read some strings from a file and then find overlaps and give output . I've created a code file which is explained with the comments which will really help you . code:)-

using namespace std;
int findoverlaps(string s1,string s2) // this will check maximum overlap length
   int l1=s1.length();
   int l2=s2.length();
   int count=0;
   int len=min(l1,l2);
   for(int i=1;i<=len;i++) //this loop run for checking overlap length which can go from 1 to minimum length
       int q=0;
       int c=0;
       while(q<i && s1[l1-(i-q)]==s2[q])
       if(q==i) // if i length is a overlap

   return count;

int main()
   fstream file;
   string s[31];
   char file1[50];
   cout<<"enter the file name:";
   cin>>file1;                       //this will read the filename,ios::in);
       cout<<"unable to open the file";
   int len=0;
       file>>s[len++];           //this read a string from the file
   for(int i=0;i<len;i++)   // here we go for overlap at every position
       int m=0;
       int k=i+1;
       for(int j=i+1;j<len;j++) // this loop check all possible overlap with the remaining strings
           int overlap=findoverlaps(s[i],s[j]);
   for(int i=0;i<len;i++)


Here is the input file:

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