
In: Computer Science

The purpose of this is to plot data using Matplotlib. Description complete the Jupyter notebook named...

The purpose of this is to plot data using Matplotlib.


complete the Jupyter notebook named main.ipynb that reads in the file diamonds.csv into a Pandas DataFrame. Information about the file can be found here:


diamonds R Documentation

Prices of over 50,000 round cut diamonds


A dataset containing the prices and other attributes of almost 54,000 diamonds. The variables are as follows:




A data frame with 53940 rows and 10 variables:


price in US dollars (\$326–\$18,823)


weight of the diamond (0.2–5.01)


quality of the cut (Fair, Good, Very Good, Premium, Ideal)


diamond colour, from D (best) to J (worst)


a measurement of how clear the diamond is (I1 (worst), SI2, SI1, VS2, VS1, VVS2, VVS1, IF (best))


length in mm (0–10.74)


width in mm (0–58.9)


depth in mm (0–31.8)


total depth percentage = z / mean(x, y) = 2 * z / (x + y) (43–79)


width of top of diamond relative to widest point (43–95)


There are two figures that you need to create:

Figure 1:

  • normalized histogram with 30 bins using the Fair cut diamond prices
  • a line plot of the normal distribution using the mean and standard deviation of the Fair cut diamond prices
  • appropriate labels on the both the x and y axes
  • appropriate title
  • appropriate legend

Figure 2:

  • appropriate title

There are two figures that you need to create:

Figure 1:

  • normalized histogram with 30 bins using the Fair cut diamond prices
  • a line plot of the normal distribution using the mean and standard deviation of the Fair cut diamond prices
  • appropriate labels on the both the x and y axes
  • appropriate title
  • appropriate legend

Figure 2:

  • horizontal bar chart of the mean prices of the diamond cuts
  • ten evenly spaced tick marks on the x axis from 0 to the maximum mean price
  • appropriate labels on the x and y axes
  • appropriate title




The following code imports the required libraries and loads a dataset containing information about diamonds into a Pandas DataFrame. Information about the dataset can be found here.

In [ ]:import numpy as np
import pandas as pd
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import matplotlib
%matplotlib inline

def normal_distribution(x, mu, sigma):
return 1/(sigma * np.sqrt(2*np.pi)) * np.exp(-(x-mu)**2/(2*sigma**2))

df = pd.read_csv('diamonds.csv')
df.pop('Unnamed: 0');

df = pd.read_csv('diamonds.csv')
df.pop('Unnamed: 0');

Bar chart of average price per cut

Make a plot the meets the following criteria:

  • horizontal bar chart of the mean prices of the diamond cuts
  • ten evenly spaced tick marks on the x axis from 0 to the maximum mean price
  • appropriate labels on the x and y axes
  • appropriate title

diamonds.csv is


Expert Solution

1. The required source-code is given below:-

import numpy as np
import pandas as pd
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import matplotlib

def normal_distribution(x, mu, sigma):
        return 1/(sigma * np.sqrt(2*np.pi)) * np.exp(-(x-mu)**2/(2*sigma**2))

def plotFirst(df):
        # Calculating Normal Distribution 
        arr = []
        for num in data:
                a = normal_distribution(num,mean,stdv)
        # Plotting the Graph
        fig, axs = plt.subplots(1, 1, figsize=(20,20))
        hist = axs.hist(arr, np.arange(min(arr),max(arr),(max(arr)-min(arr))/30))       
        axs.set_ylabel("Norm. Distrib. of fair-cut Diamonds")
def plotSecond(df):
        # Finding the Averages
        arr = []
        for cut in distinct:
                avg = df['price'].where(df['cut']==cut).mean()
        # Plotting the Graph    
        b = (distinct,arr)*b)

if __name__=="__main__":
        df = pd.read_csv('diamonds.csv')
        df.pop('Unnamed: 0')

2. Screenshots of the output are below:-

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