
In: Biology

How has Modern agriculture affected human cultures and our planet? There are two topics present, how...

How has Modern agriculture affected human cultures and our planet?

There are two topics present, how modern agriculture has affected the planet and human societies. Explain each topic completely, then draw connections between the two. How has the change in human societies affected how agriculture impacts our world?


Expert Solution

Modern agricultural practices impact on bothbof the modern human society and our planet. Let us try to understand both; one by one.

Modern agricultural practice is based on purely human needs and for the products that will become a rich source of income. Many of the farmers are involved in the agricultural practices to improve their economy. They grow up harvest those types of crops and plants which are largest selling in the global market,which have high demand internationally. No one going to think about the tragedy with the human what will going to be next. A drug, tobacco, medicine, crops, etc various types of varieties are available. In this type of race, human also exploiting the other not directly but hiddnenly in the sense that the plants and the products, the drugs, etc. are grown by them lead to the addiction to the people. N one is caretaker of such types of piracy confer one to other people. In our growing world, everyone has a wish to build, grow and earn. How these are possible? There are various ways. One of the best way that eveyone requires food. So, come and lets us exploit the others for food. Human values are such suppressed that each of the year, a million ton of graun are sploited, become useless in the godawn, but the poor families are nor asked by the government or locak people. What kind of human value is this?

In this race of improving economy by agricultural process, nature also are not left to affect by the peoples.

In ancient time, the crops are grown, but with eco-friendly manner. Mix crops are grown to fulfill the nutrient demand and requirements of the soil. Mixed crop, very basic; as we have read it in earliest classes. What is importance of this? To use pesticides, herbicides or weedicides. No, one of the wonderful pattern of cropping is mix cropping. Where two different complementary crops are grow simultaneously to help in sustainable development of the crops and to soil also. Another wonderful pattern was crop rotation technique. That also replenish the quality and quantity of the nutrient in the soil. Now a days, these are also running, but over a small horizon and scale. These days cropping/agricultural practices are purely professional. If it was possible for human to grow up one of the high potent drug morphine throughout the year without any restrictions, they will; by knowing the fact that how it affects the people and society.

Our society assumed to be religious and scientific. In Indian culture Neem and ficus trees are assumed to be religious; not for that reason it is rather that a scientific basis for the reason that they releases 24hrs. oxygen.

Being honest; these are not only but all of the trees gmhave a great ecological importance, so; stop destroying them for only human purposes for home, shelter, factory, etc. unwanted desires, because all of the natural living thing play great role.

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