
In: Nursing

An example of process recording between a nurse and a patient with a right leg DVT...

An example of process recording between a nurse and a patient with a right leg DVT in a hospital, include opened ended quesitions, close ended questions and nonverble communication.


Expert Solution

A process recording is a method in which students record all the communications, both verbal and non verbal, spoken and observed through an interview.It is a written account of conversation between nurse and patient..It is a word to word description of communication between nurse and patient.The verbatim or dialogue are as it is recorded


  • help the nurse to identify thoughts and feelings in relation to self and others
  • assist the nurse to plan,structure and evaluate the interaction on a conscious level
  • improves the quality of therapeutic nurse patient relationship
  • It helps to examine the dynamics of interaction between studeehnt and patient


  • Patient/Client Nurse Techniques/Analyses
    This column is for recording verbatim (word for word) what the patient says. Indicate nonverbal cues in parentheses. This column is for recording verbatim (word for word) what the nurse says. Indicate nonverbal cues in parentheses. the name of each of the communication skills used. an analysis of whether the interaction was therapeutic or nontherapeutic. insight into another approach which might be more effecti
    For example
  • Patient/Client Nurse Techniques/Analyses

    Oh, I'm OK, I guess. Renu. and I just got into one of our little fights about his smoking

    "Hello, Mrs. Rani. How are you and the family doing today?" (Sitting in Mrs. Rani's kitchen. "Open" posture

    Use of an open-ended question allowed the opportunity for Mrs. Rani. to tell her in her own words what was upsetting her

    what is an open ended question?

  • Open ended questions are questions which are having descriptive answers.It cannot have yes or no as answers.

  • .for example can you explain your relationship with teacher?

  • What is a closed ended question?

  • Here respondent has to choose from a set of pre-defined set of answers.

  • for eg.did you experience good hospitality serices?

  • Non-verbal communication includes facial expressions,eye contact etc.Nonverbal communication convey more meaning than verbal communication.

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