In: Computer Science
This Python assignment will involve implementing a bank program that manages bank accounts and allows for deposits, withdrawals, and purchases. USE THE PREASSIGNED CODE BELOW:
The program will initially load a list of accounts from a .txt file, and deposits and withdrawals from additional .csv files. Then it will parse and combine all of the data and store it in a dictionary.
Complete the required functions
Implement all of the functions defined in the
Docstrings have already been provided
You can create any number of helper functions (with docstrings)
The main function has already been implemented for you
Add brief comments to all non-trivial lines of code
def init_bank_accounts(accounts, deposits, withdrawals):
Loads the given 3 files, stores the information for individual bank
accounts in a dictionary,
and calculates the account balance.
Accounts file contains information about bank accounts.
Each row contains an account number, a first name, and a last name,
separated by vertical pipe (|).
Deposits file contains a list of deposits for a given account
Each row contains an account number, and a list of deposit amounts,
separated by a comma (,).
Withdrawals file contains a list of withdrawals for a given
account number.
Each row contains an account number, and a list of withdrawal
amounts, separated by a comma (,).
Stores all of the account information in a dictionary named
'bank_accounts', where the account number is the key,
and the value is a nested dictionary. The keys in the nested
dictionary are first_name, last_name, and balance,
with the corresponding values.
{'1': {'first_name': 'Brandon', 'last_name': 'Krakowsky',
'balance': 6557.59}}
This function calculates the total balance for each account by
taking the total deposit amount
and subtracting the total withdrawal amount.
bank_accounts = {}
#insert code
return bank_accounts
def round_balance(bank_accounts, account_number):
'''Rounds the given account balance.'''
def get_account_info(bank_accounts, account_number):
'''Returns the account information for the given account_number as
a dictionary.
{'first_name': 'Brandon', 'last_name': 'Krakowsky', 'balance':
If the account doesn't exist, returns None.
def withdraw(bank_accounts, account_number, amount):
'''Withdraws the given amount from the account with the given
Raises a RuntimeError if the given amount is greater than the
available balance.
If the account doesn't exist, prints a friendly message.
Rounds and prints the new balance.
def deposit(bank_accounts, account_number, amount):
'''Deposits the given amount into the account with the given
If the account doesn't exist, prints a friendly message.
Rounds and prints the new balance.
def purchase(bank_accounts, account_number, amounts):
'''Makes a purchase with the total of the given amounts from the
account with the given account_number.
Raises a RuntimeError if the total purchase, plus the sales tax
(6%), is greater than the available balance.
If the account doesn't exist, prints a friendly message.
Rounds and prints the new balance.
def calculate_sales_tax(amount):
'''Calculates and returns a 6% sales tax for the given
def main():
#load and get all account info
bank_accounts = init_bank_accounts('accounts.txt', 'deposits.csv',
#for testing
while True:
#print welcome and options
print('\nWelcome to the bank! What would you like to do?')
print('1: Get account info')
print('2: Make a deposit')
print('3: Make a withdrawal')
print('4: Make a purchase')
print('0: Leave the bank')
# get user input
option_input = input('\n')
# try to cast to int
option = int(option_input)
# catch ValueError
except ValueError:
print("Invalid option.")
#check options
if (option == 1):
#get account number and print account info
account_number = input('Account number? ')
print(get_account_info(bank_accounts, account_number))
elif (option == 2):
# get account number and amount and make deposit
account_number = input('Account number? ')
# input cast to float
amount = float(input('Amount? '))
deposit(bank_accounts, account_number, amount)
elif (option == 3):
# get account number and amount and make withdrawal
account_number = input('Account number? ')
#input cast to float
amount = float(input('Amount? '))
withdraw(bank_accounts, account_number, amount)
elif (option == 4):
# get account number and amounts and make purchase
account_number = input('Account number? ')
amounts = input('Amounts (as comma separated list)? ')
# convert given amounts to list
amount_list = amounts.split(',')
amount_list = [float(i) for i in amount_list]
purchase(bank_accounts, account_number, amount_list)
elif (option == 0):
# print message and leave the bank
if __name__ == "__main__":
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