
In: Computer Science

Create a Python program that: Allows the user to enter a phrase or sentence. The program...

Create a Python program that:

  • Allows the user to enter a phrase or sentence.
    • The program should then take the phrase or sentence entered
      • Separate out the individual words entered
      • Each individual word should then be added to a list
  • After all of the words have been place in a list
    • Sort the contents of the list
    • Display the contents of the sorted list with each individual word displayed on a separate line
  • Display a message to the user indicating when all of the items in the list have been displayed

The program should:

  • Use variables with meaningful names
  • Display easily understood prompts when collecting user input
  • Have appropriate comments indicating what each part of the program is doing
  • Have a comment area at the beginning of the program identifying the author of the program and the class it was created for

Save the program as a Python module, and submit the program through this assignment.


Expert Solution

The following program is according to what was asked. Wasn't really sure in what order the elements of the list are to be sorted. So, I've sorted according to word length. Also there is a commented out sort statement incase the sorting should be in reverse order or just using the sort function. Please use accordingly. Each and every step is explained in the solution for easier understanding.

string = input("Enter a sentence or phrase of your choice\n")  # accepting user input
lists = list(string.split())  # splitting the words in the string and storing individual words in a list
lists.sort(key=len)  # sorting the list of words in the order os ascending word length
# lists.sort(reverse=True)
# lists.sort()
print(*lists, sep="\n")  # unpacking the list to get elements and printing in separate lines
print("\nAll elements in the list have been printed")  # displaying message after all the elements have been printed


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