Hill burton act was passed in1946 by US congress. it started in
order to provide staffed hospital per 1000 people throughout
country. hospitals accepted requirement and received federal
funds on mutual agreement for constructing facilities
and hospitals.
here are some of the conditions:
- Eventhough separte and equal facilities were allowed Patient
must be received to facilities without dicrimination of their
color, race,creed or national origin
- patient once got admitted to the hospital , must have obtained
all portions of facility and services without discrimination.they
may not discrimated in any portion of facilityor behave differently
or providing a different service, restricting their enjoyment or
any privilege because of their race,color, creed or national
- professional qualified perssonnel may not be denied for their
delivery of care in the facility because of their color, race,
creed,or national origin.
- residents,staff nurses, medical technician, internrs may not be
denied training opportunities in the facility on the account of
their color, creed, race or national origin
- any facility whether hill burton or Hilburton facility may,
directly or indirectly, use criteria or methods of administration
which would damage completion of the program objectives for
individual of a particular race,color, creed or national
- facilities that received funds, should give free of
care for people who cannot pay themselves and need services. free
of care for 20 years every year were to be provided by hospitals
and facilities in an amount of matching the lessor of 3% of its
annual opertaing costs