In: Advanced Math
Hi. I want matlab code that implements a mimo system
that uses the mmse and zf methods with Rayleigh fading.
Thank you.
% Script for computing the BER for BPSK modulation in 3 tap ISI % channel. Minimum Mean Square Error (MMSE) equalization with 7 tap % and the BER computed (and is compared with Zero Forcing equalization) clear N = 10^6; % number of bits or symbols Eb_N0_dB = [0:15]; % multiple Eb/N0 values K = 3; for ii = 1:length(Eb_N0_dB) % Transmitter ip = rand(1,N)>0.5; % generating 0,1 with equal probability s = 2*ip-1; % BPSK modulation 0 -> -1; 1 -> 0 % Channel model, multipath channel nTap = 3; ht = [0.2 0.9 0.3]; L = length(ht); chanOut = conv(s,ht); n = 1/sqrt(2)*[randn(1,N+length(ht)-1) + j*randn(1,N+length(ht)-1)]; % white gaussian noise, 0dB variance % Noise addition y = chanOut + 10^(-Eb_N0_dB(ii)/20)*n; % additive white gaussian noise % zero forcing equalization hM = toeplitz([ht([2:end]) zeros(1,2*K+1-L+1)], [ ht([2:-1:1]) zeros(1,2*K+1-L+1) ]); d = zeros(1,2*K+1); d(K+1) = 1; c_zf = [inv(hM)*d.'].'; yFilt_zf = conv(y,c_zf); yFilt_zf = yFilt_zf(K+2:end); yFilt_zf = conv(yFilt_zf,ones(1,1)); % convolution ySamp_zf = yFilt_zf(1:1:N); % sampling at time T % mmse equalization hAutoCorr = conv(ht,fliplr(ht)); hM = toeplitz([hAutoCorr([3:end]) zeros(1,2*K+1-L)], [ hAutoCorr([3:end]) zeros(1,2*K+1-L) ]); hM = hM + 1/2*10^(-Eb_N0_dB(ii)/10)*eye(2*K+1); d = zeros(1,2*K+1); d([-1:1]+K+1) = fliplr(ht); c_mmse = [inv(hM)*d.'].'; yFilt_mmse = conv(y,c_mmse); yFilt_mmse = yFilt_mmse(K+2:end); yFilt_mmse = conv(yFilt_mmse,ones(1,1)); % convolution ySamp_mmse = yFilt_mmse(1:1:N); % sampling at time T % receiver - hard decision decoding ipHat_zf = real(ySamp_zf)>0; ipHat_mmse = real(ySamp_mmse)>0; % counting the errors nErr_zf(1,ii) = size(find([ip- ipHat_zf]),2); nErr_mmse(1,ii) = size(find([ip- ipHat_mmse]),2); end simBer_zf = nErr_zf/N; % simulated ber simBer_mmse = nErr_mmse/N; % simulated ber theoryBer = 0.5*erfc(sqrt(10.^(Eb_N0_dB/10))); % theoretical ber % plot close all figure semilogy(Eb_N0_dB,simBer_zf(1,:),'bs-','Linewidth',2); hold on semilogy(Eb_N0_dB,simBer_mmse(1,:),'gd-','Linewidth',2); axis([0 14 10^-5 0.5]) grid on legend('sim-zf', 'sim-mmse'); xlabel('Eb/No, dB'); ylabel('Bit Error Rate'); title('Bit error probability curve for BPSK in ISI with MMSE equalizer');