In: Nursing
Why do healthcare workers make so many errors and mistakes?
How can making accurate calculations and using effective problem-solving techniques reduce the number of errors and mistakes?
Why are healthcare workers reluctant to report mistakes and errors?
Why is it important to empower healthcare workers to speak up when they have concerns about patient safety?
How do National Patient Safety Goals help prevent sentinel events?
The reasons for errors and mistake by healthcare workers are as follows,
Communication problem among the health care workers.
lack of knowledge on treatment,procedure, policies.lack of critical thinking ability.
Use of failed or bad medical devises and new equipments without proper training .
Adaptation to anew hospital environment or a freshly graduated employee to healthcare.
Tiring duty shifts or reduced staffing pattern.
poor teamwork among the unit.
Making accurate calculations and using effective problem-solving techniques helps to:
Overcomethe difficulties that interfere with the patient care.
Genarate alternative solutions
Health care workers are reluctant to report errors because of:
Fear of punishment or negative cosequences.
Personal lack of time for reporting after hectic duty.
Attitude towards reporting system due to previous experience of unadequate reaction of organisation
Unprotected hospital environment.
It is important to empower healthcare workers to speak up to:
Prevent future errors.
Improve prefessional confidence.
improve interpersonal teamrelation ship.
make a feel of secured working environment.
bulid satisfaction in job.
enhance patient safety.