
In: Biology

For Tropical Savanna define all the thing that list below Function: characteristic productivity, biomass levels, routes...

For Tropical Savanna define all the thing that list below

Function: characteristic productivity, biomass levels, routes and speed of nutrient cycling, decomposition, soil conditions, seed dispersal, pollination systems, etc.


Expert Solution

1) Characteristic productivity- is a product of the interplay between trees and grass that co dominate savana land scapes and are maintained through interaction with climate and disturbance.

2)Biomass level-the biomass is the mass of living biological organisms in a given area or ecosystem at a given time.biomass can refer to species biomass,which is the mass of one or more species or to community biomass which is the mass of all species in the community. it can include microorganisms, plant or animals.

3)Route and speed of nutrient cycling-nutrient cycling in ecosystem includes a sequence of process;uptake of inorganic forms of elements by biota,transfer of these elements from one organisms to another,release back to the environment in available form and element reassimilation by organisms.

4)Decomposition-insects,earthworm,fungi and bacteria form the key decomposers of the savana biome. decomposers are organisms that help to break down organic matter, making nutrients available in the ecosystem.the savana biome is the characterized by rolling grassland,with isolated trees and lots of shrubs.

5)Soil condition-tropical forests and grasslands,tropical soils are formed in areas with high annual temperature and rainfall.even though the savanna and the tropical rainforest are VASTLY different in organisms and extent,they both have a climate that results in deep, highly weathered soil. the soil of the savanna is porous. with rapid drainage of has only a thin layer of humus, which provides vegetation with nutrients.

6)Seed dispersal-is the movement, spread or transport of seeds away from the parent plant.seeds can be disperesed away from the parent plant individually or collectively, as well as dispersed in both space and time.the patterns of seed dispersal are determined in large part by the dispersal mechanism and this has important implication for the demographic and genetic structure of plant population,as well as migration patterns and species interaction. there are five main modes of seed dispersal- gravity,wind,ballistic,water and by animals

7)Pollination system-Bee pollination was the most common pollination mode in all habitats with butterfly, fly and wasp pollination being secondary for forest and forest savanna, transition, and butterfly,wasp,wind and fly pollination being secondary for savanna.

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