In: Operations Management
What do you find are the most difficult things to accomplish as an importer in dealing with CBSA. 10 marks
Difficulties are:-
The CBSA has played an important role in immigration to Canada,
as it has been granted entry and practice, previously held by the
Department of Nationality and Immigration in Canada. CBSA officers
work at the front line to monitor immigration and arrest illegal
immigrants in Canada.
By the end of 2003, there were up to 200,000 illegal immigrants in
Canada (mostly in Ontario). Most were asylum seekers whose asylum
applications were rejected by the Canadian Immigration and Refugee
Council. [15] Very few illegal immigrants entered the country
without a CBC survey. The reason for this is that it is difficult
to travel to Canada except through Canada / USA. Boundaries.
Because the United States itself is a major destination for illegal
immigrants, not many illegal immigrants try to cross the border
into Canada in the wild.
The number of illegal participants from St. Pierre and Miquelon
Roads traveling by boat has recently increased. High unemployment
in the French colonies caused this increase, which was recognized
by the French government. The CBSA and the Royal Canadian Navy are
considering increasing naval patrols to intercept illegal migrants.
While locals can legally travel to France, expensive airfare has
made the 5.5-mile boat ride to Newfoundland, Canada, more
attractive to poor economic migrants.