
In: Economics

This criterion is linked to a Learning OutcomeAd Appeal Campaign appeal & content: Rational appeal, Emotional...

This criterion is linked to a Learning OutcomeAd Appeal

Campaign appeal & content: Rational appeal, Emotional appeal, Moral appeal for the Xbox Adaptive Controller product


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Advertisements are very powerful psychological tool used by the producer, especially in today’s world to capture and retain his market segment. Advertisements, which are exposed to the consumer after a long and detailed research into the target segment psychology and study of their behavior pattern have a lasting impact and are extremely beneficial to the producer in the form of brand loyalty from the consumer and also increased sales revenue. Economically, this could mean more market power for the producer.

With the onset of the ‘internet’ and its easy accessibility, apart, from seeking knowledge, playing of games has also picked up to such an extent that it has become an addiction to people across all ages. Realizing this changing trend in the society towards spending on leisure activities and believing in the statistical results conducted by various research houses, firms have understood that a niche market can be created for whom ‘price’ is not the chief factor in this addictive ‘playing aspect’. For them, it is more a ‘need’ to be occupied and hence they are wiling to shell out a few more currency than the others to enjoy this luxury.

The ‘Xbox’, a range of video gaming consoles, developed by a leading software giant firm, is such an attempt to capture and retain that ‘niche’ market segment   which exclusively demands such products , not purely for price alone but for other needs like ‘snob appeal’ or social status need or in simple words to ‘show off ‘ that they have the latest version of the Xbox, or to cater to that young population – children between 10 years and 18 years of age for whom is a very important leisure activity.

However , the entrepreneur survives only on innovations and hence like the ever changing newer models of cell phones , automobiles and so on hitting the market, such gaming instruments too have to be updated regularly and innovated upon to suit the ever growing needs of the consumers. Hence the Xbox adaptive controller , is one such innovation.

The uniqueness of this product is that it aims to have an ’inclusive’ consumer market wherein apart from the normal able bodied persons at whom it was initially aimed , it seeks to address the emotional needs and the all-important’ to be part of the trend’ need of the physically handicapped people. This new product has sought to satisfy the desires of such people who have physical disabilities and yet have an insatiable desire to game on the media.

Rational appeal: Rationality in the real sense means self-interest. In many of the laws of economics man is assumed to be rational –meaning a person who works for his satisfaction. So the ad campaign’s content for the Xbox adaptive controller is that it should bring profits to the manufacturer and at the same time , yet more importantly seek to address the desire of the physically handicapped people to have fun and become a good gamers in spite of their apparent disabilities.

Emotional appeal: By providing a platform for the disabled to satisfy their desires , the ad campaign should most subtly emphasise on the emotional satisfaction that they will receive from using the product and playing their games with great joy. It should also seek to gently reinforce that the Xbox adaptive controller is more a stress buster for its users and seeks to satisfy their emotional needs in two ways-1. Relieve them from their everyday stress. 2. Give them emotional strength as they use the instrument and feel on par with others.

Moral Appeal: The physically handicapped are more often financially not as blessed as the other able bodied people of the society. Unless they are heir to a lot of ancestral property which may not be the case most of the time, money is scarce for them and so are the opportunities to earn it. Hence, the ad campaign should emphasise on the pricing part of the product and seek to stress on the point that it is affordable and within their reach.

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