In: Nursing
What are the roles of the nurses in the promotion of cardiovascular and respiratory health towards the family, community and society? 250 words essay
Role of Nurses in the promotion of cardiovascular and respiratory health in family community and society
In the promotion of heath care , a health care provider faces many challenges like personal behaviour of patients , cultural values of family , law of society and rules and regulations of community . But despite of all these problems a heath care provider must do it's best to serve the society and patient . Cardiovascular and respiratory health are most important aspects of health as most of people die due to disease of these two systems . These disease present in patients in acute or chronic manner and sometimes may leads to permanent disability which make patient unable to do any work .
First step in promotion of CVS and RS heath is laid by WHO , these steps are
Step 1 - questionnaire based
Step 2- physical measurements and examination
Step 3- blood sampling or blood test for blood sugar levels , lipid profile and other blood pathology indicators
Nurses must follow these guidelines in promotion of heath and to halt the rise of diabetes , obesity , hypertension , COPD , bronchitis etc at community level . For this proper counseling of patients as well as family is done . They are provided guidelines for care and help of patients . Mental support are also provided
Now major role of Nurses are listed below -
1) stop smoking -- smoking is one of the major determinant of cardiovascular and respiratory disorders , nicotine a carginogen causes cardiac stress and increase thromboembolism by increasing arterogensis in patients . Thus patient suffer stroke ,heart attack and angina .
2) diet -- diet with high cholesterol , saturated fat are major factor responsible for CVS disease so proper diet counseling is needed at family and society level . For this heath care provider can teach people during any social events like festival , meeting etc .
3) regular BP monitoring -- of high Risk patients are very important for preventing CVS and RS disease and for promotion of heath
4) early physical examination - this is a screening process at community and society level , regular check up camps are organised by heath care provider to screen the high risk patients . It also help in maintaining data of prevelence at community and society level .
5) exercise -- regular daily exercise are important at all levels so Health care provider must promote exercise
6) worker of coal mins and factory -- these people are at high risk to exposure of smoke and chemical and development of respiratory disorders so they are provided with proper counseling releted to their jobs .
Heath education is the best prevention of any disease