In: Economics
The Industrial revolution brought about the emergence of the manufacturing city, Please explain this story.
With industrial revolution came the machines and process of mechanization of jobs.With this there was an improvement in production methodologies with mass scale production being possible in lesser time.There was an increase in use of machines,which meant there was a need for skilled manpower to operate these machines.
With new industries flourishing at that time there was a sud den increase in so called industrial towns or area.Factories had integrated small towns and converted them into a living place for its manpower.These industrial townships improved the working conditions.As industries were located quite far away from main cities and towns,people living in these industrial townships had to face inconvenience in procuring items for home use.
The standard of living improved as we can see the examples of Great Britian where the earlier seeds of industrial revolution were sowed.Industrial growth transformed even the American society. It produced a new class of wealthy industrialists and a prosperous middle class. It also produced a vastly expanded blue collar working class. The labor force that made industrialization possible was made up of millions of newly arrived immigrants and even larger numbers of migrants from rural areas. American society became more diverse than ever before.
Expansion activities lead to creation of jobs which lead to a migration from lesser cities who were dependent on agriculture to these manufacturing cities.Agricultural income was petty compared to what an industrial worker used to earn working in a factory.
This urbanization was a fuelling factor for further immigration.Demand for housing in industrial area created the so called manuufacturing cities.One synonymous comparison which can be made with relevance to modern times is the emergence of smart connected cities in this century with the rise of IOT (Internet of things).
The manufacturing cities or so called industrial hubs were places wherein many connected suppliers and manufacturers established their line of production.For example when a car company set up its plant in germany the supplier of car parts like tyres,brakes also set up new manufacturing faciities close to their supplier.This activity was like a chain of events.Indutrial revolution has a major hand in emergence of this trend.
Examples of manufacturing belt include Detroit(automotive),Rhine -Ruhr Valley (Europe Iron Ore) etc.To summarise,industrial revolution brought more machines into play spurring economic activity,improving living conditions and emergence of new factories sometimes spewed from an existing industry.Larger purchasing power,availability of large land banks ,other resources and manpower triggered the growth.Governments across the workd saw the industrial revolution as a means for economic upliftment and was promoting the industrial towns or manufacturing cities to come up.Another view is that industrial revolution brought about a rapid growth in population triggering a need for better housing.Higher cost of living made lives of newcomers to town miserable to the extent that shanty living conditions have been described in some instances.With the introducing of public health act the conditions improved however leading to better hygiene and living conditions.