
In: Nursing

A Khadijah 24-year-old university student experienced flank pains and change urinary pattern and was detained at...

A Khadijah 24-year-old university student experienced flank pains and change urinary pattern and was detained at the medical emergency. The physician diagnosed her of nephrotic syndrome

A. Explain the term nephrotic syndrome to a second-year nursing student

B. State SIX (6) clinical manifestations of nephrotic syndrome

C. Describe the nursing management of a client with nephrotic syndrome


Expert Solution

A. Explain the term nephrotic syndrome to a second-year nursing student ?

Nephrotic syndrome is any condition that seriously damages the glomerular capillary membrane and results in increased glomerular permeability. It is charecterized by

  1. Protenuria (marked increase in protein in the urine)
  2. Hypoalbuminemia (decrease in albumin in the blood).
  3. Edema (around the eyes and leg)
  4. Hyper lipidemia (high serum cholesterol and low-density lipoproteins in blood).

B. State SIX (6) clinical manifestations of nephrotic syndrome?

  • Edema. is the salient feature of nephrotic syndrome and initially develops around the eyes and legs; with time, the edema becomes generalized and may be associated with an increase in weight.
  • Anorexia (lack or loss of appetite)
  • Malnutrition.
  • Malaise
  • Head ache,
  • Irritability and fatigue.

C. Describe the nursing management of a client with nephrotic syndrome?

The nursing management of a child with nephrotic syndrome include

1. Nursing Assessment

Assess the following

Edema: weigh and measure

Pitting edema: Note any swelling about the eyes or the ankles and other dependent parts.

Vital signs: Obtain vital signs, including blood pressure.

Skin: Inspect the skin for pallor, irritation, or breakdown; examine the scrotal area of the male child for swelling, redness, and irritation.

2. Nursing Diagnosis

  • Excess fluid volume related to fluid accumulation in tissues and third spaces.
  • Risk for imbalanced nutrition: less than body requirements related to anorexia.
  • Risk for impaired skin integrity related to edema.
  • Risk for infection related to immunosuppression.
  • Fatigue related to edema and disease process.
  • Deficient knowledge of the caregiver related to disease process, treatment, and home care.

3. Goals and planning of care

  • Relieving edema.
  • Preventing infection.
  • Improving nutritional status.
  • Maintaining skin integrity.

4. Nursing Interventions

  • Monitoring fluid intake and output.
  • Maintain nutritional intake.
  • Promoting skin integrity.
  • Preventing infection

5. Evaluation

Asess the following points

  • Relief from edema.
  • Improvement of nutritional status.
  • Maintainance of skin integrity.
  • Prevention of infection.


The patient must be made aware of the importance of communicating any health-related change to the health care provider as soon as possible so that appropriate medication and dietary changes can be made before further changes occur within the glomeruli.

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