
In: Economics

4. A 2017 study showing that the proportion of peoplewith health insurance is higher among...

4. A 2017 study showing that the proportion of people with health insurance is higher among people with higher income

a. is an example of positive economics.

b. is an example of normative economics.

c. is an example of qualitative economics.

d. is an example of Australian economics.

5. A study arguing that the United States should adopt a single-payer health system

a. is an example of positive economics.

b. is an example of normative economics.

c. is an example of qualitative economics.

d. is an example of Australian economics.

6. Compared to Canada, France, Germany, Switzerland, and the United Kingdom, the United States

a. had the highest spending per person and the shortest life expectancy in 2016.

b. had the lowest spending per person and the shortest life expectancy in 2016.

c. had the lowest spending per person and the longest life expectancy in 2016.

d. had the highest spending per person and the longest life expectancy in 2016.

7. Rational decision making involves

a. choosing the cheapest option.

b. choosing the highest-quality option.

c. choosing the option that best helps you realize your goals, given your resources.

d.avoiding choices that involve scarce resources.


Expert Solution


Ans: a. is an example of positive economics.


Ans: b. is an example of normative economics.


Ans: a. had the highest spending per person and the shortest life expectancy in 2016.


Ans: c. choosing the option that best helps you realize your goals, given your resources.

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