In: Nursing
Ebola is one of the longest and most widely spread epidemic the world ever seen.Nigeria and Sengal were able to control this epidemic within a record time.Ghana has successfully,to date,kept the virus away from the country, despite economic and social relatioship with affected nations.If streangthened health systems, skilled human resources for health were available at that time,the outbreaks of Ebola can be prevented to an extent.Since 1979 when the world agreed to pursue the ''health for all" dream,and 2000 when the millennium Development Goals were accepted as global targets,there have been encouraging gains in the outcomes of nations.However,the gains of 'health for all' and Millennium Development Goals in the health system were reversed by Ebola outbreaks.
Current lessons learner from the outbreak should be institutionalised.The western countries should be well aware of prevention of further epidemic in future.The UN and WHO have to give direction in team building,international surveillance system structures and effective vaccination plans.If better information technology was in place,funding for research should be made available to study survivors and define the factors that affect the spread of disease.Also templates for the use of investigational drugs and ethics relating to management of severe clinically infective cases in intensive care units and dialysis centres and the respirators.Rebudt awareness campaigns both locally and internationally will help to improve communication across several countries at risk.