In: Nursing
A nurse is the professional who may exposed to variety of situations during her/his work period. Many of these situations may be stressful and risky. So a nurse must be always ready for the situation to handle. In her work life, the nurse may take various responsibilities like manager, counsellor, auditor etc. In those roles, the more important one is mentor. Mentor means to a teacher. Yes, she should act as a teacher. She may mentor her colleagues, subordintes, nursing students even junior doctors also. As a health care member, nurse may act as a mentor. At the same time, she may act as mentor for other aspiring professionals too.
As I already said, nursing is the profession which may encounter with very Stressful and risky situations, as nurses deal with human beings. So a qualified,experienced nurse can handle any of the situations confidently with her knowledge and competence.
The situation where the nurse act as a mentor
Variety of situations and work experiences enable them to take as many roles and responsibilities especially a good mentor to her own colleagues and other aspiring professionals too.